Example sentences of "[pron] will of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I will of course remain responsible for Barton , since I know Andy well , ’ Peter Yeo said , firmly .
2 I will of course let my client know that Mr Makaroupides takes full responsibility for this and that will take a weight off his mind .
3 I will of course carefully consider any correspondence that my hon. Friend has sent to me .
4 Well do n't you dare do it to me in the panto , I will of die of embarrassment !
5 It goes without saying that the TD must hold regular surgeries , or in the euphemistic Irish expression " hear confessions " which will of course turn out to be requests for assistance .
6 Which will of course just be played as an F.
7 Each LIFESPAN Process requires a minimum of 4500 blocks for the database files , which will of course grow as you use the LIFESPAN Process .
8 You 'll of course stay here for as long as you like .
9 you know it 's almost as if it 's like er you know a sort of negative thing to , to , to find out about somebody erm so erm yeah I mean I think I , so I think you 'll , I think you 'll , you 'll of necessity have to try and do something which captures this , this sort of informal talk because as soon as people commit themselves to writing they 're gon na be erm they 're gon na be
10 ‘ Yousefi has a wife and three children who will of course suffer the same fate if the Home Secretary 's decision is to deport him . ’
11 And if you intend to erect the garage yourself , you will of course receive comprehensive instructions that tell you where everything goes .
12 It 's important always to keep a patient 's mouth clean and moist — you will of course need their co-operation in doing this .
13 If she would like the family and close friends to gather together for a meal or light refreshments after the service and committal , you will of course have prepared for this beforehand .
14 You will of course all enter the Tunnel of Terror because , commencing now , the air is to be exhausted from your end of this chamber .
15 Ed 's comment : Test kits can quickly deteriorate with age , and if they do you will of course get variable results from them .
16 As you work on the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants in the new language you will of course need to concentrate on those that are unfamiliar and difficult .
17 You will of course recall that with the introduction of community charge the differential rating of the rural areas of the Borough ceased .
18 If you did not follow the recommendations in this respect , you will of course need to substitute your own values in the above commands .
19 You will of course get a good static BACKUP as part of the Stand-alone save_set , but if you are using tapes , the time taken to restore the LIFESPAN system may be prohibitive .
20 When writing to a building society , never omit the mortgage reference number , or there may be some delay in receiving a reply , and if you act for your client 's bank , building society , etc , you will of course normally ask them to send the deeds direct to you ; in such a case include in your letter , if there is an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion ( as there will be in the case of a building society and may be in the case of a bank ) , an undertaking to hold the deeds on behalf of the bank or society , to return them on demand , not to part with the same except on completion of the sale , and to discharge the society 's mortgage .
21 So acting for a buyer , if no protective entries appear on the Register you need have no qualms ; if they do , you will of course question them by requisition or otherwise .
22 In addition to the above forms , you will of course be required to obtain the borrower 's signature to the mortgage form and possibly a deed of assignment in respect of any endowment policies .
23 In the case of an unregistered title you will of course make a full land charges search , and you can include in it the name of any buyer-borrower .
24 ‘ If we do receive information on victims among people we will of course be extremely sorry for them , ’ said the Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman , Mr Vadim Perfiliev .
25 As this is a short letter we will of course send out another before the end of the year with our new address and further news on the life and times of the Meikle Mob …
26 ‘ Should any such evidence come to light in the future we will of course be prepared to review the situation . ’
27 But certainly when we in the regional office get that that advice before before we put a submission to ministers , we will of course try to reconcile the figures so that they are on a consistent basis .
28 If we can use it , we will of course pay for your tape .
29 We will of course be in the middle of a natural seasonal shortage but I am advising finishers that they can not afford to ignore current prices and I think that a reasonable flow of cattle will still come forward , ’ he said .
30 Stop , we will of course continue to put the varieties into unofficial trials , bracket and will pay the fees in full close brackets , in good faith on the understanding that when the varieties are to go into U K official trials , the position of your company will have been resolved and you will then be in a position to offer us the excrusive , exclusive rights at that time .
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