Example sentences of "[pron] say it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 It may be , I say it may be , that the Jews are once more called to make an utterance to mankind , to manifest , for a new age , a new holiness and a new divinity .
2 Erm firstly because as I say it may prompt him into doing something if we write to him saying you 're making an application to court yourself .
3 I am not decrying Sara in any way when I say it might have been more sensible for us to choose the leader . ’
4 Well that 's it , it might lead to better things might n't it , I say it might do them good to be away from each other for a week any way , might n't it ?
5 I say it 'll be downstairs .
6 No , we love going up there anyway , it 'll be like a holiday I say it 'll be like a holiday for us , we love going up there
7 And erm we used to kick this tin down the hill and er as I say it would roll down and we would all go and hide anywhere , back garden , front garden , over a wall , round a corner , anywhere like that you see .
8 As I say it would n't make any difference would it ?
9 I say no , I say it would have been harsh to give it .
10 I say it would n't relate to any accent in England anyway
11 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
12 I say it should be a nice evening , and I think to myself I may need all that wine .
13 As I say it will be on the front of the sheet so you can
14 Erm maybe someone says it could be useful for you to try it again , without any help from this page at all .
15 I says it 'll throw same heat out
16 I says my god I says it 'll never be known that my brother said that you can be anything and that was first thing he ever gave me .
17 I said 't would not suit you , and I meant it as a compliment .
18 ‘ I deserved that , ’ said Lucy , looking pale and tired behind the sun-gold glow ( beat yourself up , Jay , you 've hurt the one you love ) , but I said it would n't work .
19 I said it would never work — there are too many sports teams that use the pub and they need the contact of a regular tenant .
20 Looking back , I said it would hurt his career .
21 And Mrs Thatcher 's former economic adviser Professor Sir Alan Walters said : ‘ I said it would end in tears .
22 I said it would be pretty dreadful where he is now , how will he cope there ? ’
23 I said it would be all right .
24 I said , of course and I said it would be nice company and so she said er you sit near the window , I 've seen it lots of times before , as I only live in Manchester .
25 He was working until the evening of the following day , but he asked to take me out again and I said it would be delightful .
26 When I said it would be a waste of time , I was n't referring to the state of your jeep . ’
27 I have meandered round all sorts of fairly obscure topics , just about pleasing the Chair by remaining in order , knowing that whatever I said it would not make the slightest difference to the outcome of the private Bill .
28 I suggested putting an old lady sitting on a bench with a lace shawl erm er sculpture of so that it represents er Nottingham lace and etcetera and I said it would look more attractive and catch people 's eye than what 's there at the present .
29 Well I said , I was a bit concerned , I said it would be nice if you could let us know and
30 And you like them baggy anyway , you do n't get one that fits you er buy That 's why I said it would have been probably better to pay the extra twenty quid and bought the Italian style double- breasted
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