Example sentences of "[pron] say [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With my colleague , the hon. Member for Glasgow , Govan ( Mr. Sillars ) , in mind , I say that such a process will break up the United Kingdom .
2 ‘ In my evidence to the Sizewell inquiry , ’ said Gittus , ‘ I say that 99 per cent of core melt accidents would not cause a melt-through of the concrete base mat .
3 Perhaps I will convey a better idea of the tone of those evenings if I say that regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham , valet-butler to Sir James Chambers , and Mr John Donalds , valet to Mr Sydney Dickenson .
4 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
5 Well I I say that that at the best I think it it 's just a question mark or a dash .
6 For my purposes , it suffices if I say that one of the questions was whether an original lessee is liable to pay a rent which has been increased by a variation in the terms of the lease reached between the assignee and the landlord .
7 I am sure that I speak for all district society presidents when I say that this is just not true .
8 I say that this type of equipment is necessary because until we can be sure all major rockets and missiles have gone , there will always be a chance of such offensive capabilities ‘ falling into the wrong hands ’ and that may result in terrible consequences .
9 Although I say that this story could really happen , I doubt that there would be the character of Simon in reality as I think that a boy his age would realise the dangerous situation he was in , and join the other boys .
10 I say that more in hope than expectation , but one never knows .
11 As to coming together for further talks , I think that I speak for all those who were involved in the talks in the summer , which we concluded , when I say that those who took part in them felt that they were valuable and looked forward to the possibility of being able to hold talks again .
12 When I say that some of them take [ women compositors ] to be wives , there can not be ill-feeling toward them " .
13 ‘ But as soon as someone says that four-letter word , it will be ‘ do you have to use that language ? ’
14 I says that any subset of positive integers which contains 1 and which contains a + 1 whenever it contains a is precisely the set of all positive integers .
15 Then she asked why I was laughing again , and I said that that was n't what had happened , and she looked angry , and I had a shower .
16 I said that that worried m that really sort of worried me so I rung her back anyway , she 's alright .
17 ‘ But I said that all matters relating to players were Trevor Francis 's domain .
18 Recently , we were having a debate in the Lords and we got on to nationalization and I said that one thing that we need to nationalize in this country is the Treasury , but nobody has ever succeeded .
19 I said that one day we should be back , and that in the meantime our affection for the people of Burma would not fail .
20 In my review last year I said that 1992 was likely to be as difficult a year as 1991 for our North America Homes businesses .
21 I said that asymmetric arms races were more likely to lead to interesting progressive improvements than symmetric ones , and we can now see why this is , using human weapons to illustrate the point .
22 I said that this was becoming ludicrous .
23 I said that this was not Shelley and I ganging up in competition against them : it was just two businesswomen trying to make more business .
24 I said that this was almost certain but the process was rather slow .
25 I said that this was what she 'd been proposing , dummkopf , but Stuart was n't having any of it .
26 I said that this was the first I had heard of this claim . "
27 ‘ When I said that this was necessary to allow us to cross the Great Sea , ’ Alexei said , ‘ I spoke no more than the truth .
28 DURING my introduction I said that some Regions are better placed than others to increase their growth rate .
29 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
30 I said that three quarters of the total number of international passengers are expected to interchange at King 's Cross with London Underground and other BR services .
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