Example sentences of "[pron] which [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 All he did was suggest that the er the Health Authority chairman and the district general manager should resign , which which which he got the headlines for as , as designed , but it was no no contribution to the discussion about the Health Service whatsoever .
32 Which which I remember incorporates the amendment moved by
33 He wanted to see , do you want a game which which I 've already got it .
34 Then that thirdly , it it would need to help fulfil the economic objectives or the employment needs of the receiving authority which which I guess in in many respects boils down to nominating a particular authority or authorities if if you like .
35 And from C P R E's point of view we we would feel that the best way to do that is to is to reconvene if that 's the right word , the forum of Greater York authorities to look in more detail at at each of the sectors and under undertake the the technical comparison I think in a in in a fair and reasonable way which which I do n't think we 've really we 've really achieved during erm three hours of discussion today .
36 his own humour was mere flippancy , emphasising the very division within himself which he condemned in others .
37 ‘ No , I am not ; merely that there was something he had previously kept to himself which he confided to your brother .
38 Fear can be thought of as a force in itself which we feed - the more we feed our fears , the stronger the force becomes and the more it assails us .
39 For economic libertarians , the starting point for such a reform is the licence fee itself which they have lung regarded as an outdated imposition on the public and a regressive tax to boot .
40 For Diana it was the ‘ strange ’ atmosphere of Sandringham itself which she hated .
41 Darby joked : ‘ All you 've got to do now is round up all the typewriters of the correct make and vintage and I 'll tell you which one dun n it . ’
42 Cou co could I ask you and try to short circuit actually the presentation if you if you if you do n't mind , to actually concentrate on those issue items where there are these significant differences which which you which you mentioned .
43 ‘ May I still have the interview with you which you promised ? ’ she asked straight out — and thought for a few seconds , as he looked sternly at her , that she had blown it , and that he had taken the strongest exception to her reminding him of his promise .
44 Er now it s it seems that the idea is for this Isle of Man company I think you kn you know the name of it do n't you which I 've forgotten .
45 I am delighted to commend this booklet to you which I hope will give you a flavour of the variety and interest available to solicitors in local government .
46 Two is that there , in some sense , some perhaps rather extended and difficult sense , this totality of everything which we have to take by storm directly if any detail of the world is every to be understood , can be said to be mental .
47 These traditions were encapsulated in everything which we did and which we were taught .
48 This is the real point which lies at the heart of the present appeal ; in a sense , everything which I have said so far has done no more than set the stage for its consideration .
49 By 1920 , in the establishment of the peacetime National Maritime Board , Wilson had achieved everything which he had ever expected or desired in the building of relationships with the employers .
50 Presumably another effect is that when people work , assuming they enjoy what they 're doing , they 're doing something which they regard as being reasonably important .
51 No child of that age should have to face something which they 've the intelligence to realize can affect their whole lives , even if they are too young to appreciate , mercifully , just how much .
52 So out you go You know people initially work using networks , and then if they do n't have somebody that corresponds to something which they 've got to do then they perhaps will phone the university or the poly and say , ‘ Have you got anyone that knows anything about jam fritters or whatever it is , we want to do a piece because it 's current , ’ and somebody 's unearthed in that particular way .
53 Some felt a leaping in their spirits at the moment when the announcement was made at the AGM , something which they knew was from God .
54 Others suggested that their schools had an improved and more balanced curriculum , as a result of much more careful planning and prioritising , something which they felt could not have been achieved without devolution .
55 He said the party 's 49 Scottish MPs would campaign for a multi-option referendum on the country 's future , something which they had endorsed at the meeting .
56 She therefore deduced that crude anthropomorphism is something which children are taught , not necessarily intentionally , in fact probably not intentionally at all , but it is something which they pick up from the comments which they hear and the deductions which they make .
57 Indeed I am always immensely flattered when somebody a long way down our hierarchy rings me up and asks me to do something which they believe I am in a particularly good position to do .
58 Most people ensure that they spend their lives working for something which they think has a future , and which will provide the sort of life and opportunity that they wish for themselves and their dependants .
59 It may be they know that I am meeting somebody they are trying to affect through his hierarchy ; or it may be they need to find out something which they think I am in a better position to find out than they are .
60 This is something which they manage on the first day , and then never repeat .
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