Example sentences of "[pron] we be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only see one way in which we are like God is in having moral and spiritual capacities no other creature has moral and spiritual capacities , they do not of the potential to worship , they do not of a code er , er , of moral laws , they 're not governed by that , it 's a case of , of the , might makes right , it 's a case of the strongest the one that survives and the weakest goes to the wall you 've only got to look er at a litter of pups and the last one is the one that 's pushed to the back every time is n't it , there 's no moral law there , those pups and the , and the bitch does n't er work out , that because that one is weaker it should be getting more , more nourishment , it should be cared for better , it does n't work like that in any thing else , but God has placed within humanity a moral responsibility and his place within as a spiritual capacity , were more than just animals , were created in his image , so God created us , capable of knowing him and growing to be like him and in his original creation they 're in need of , the , the , the highlight of it was when he came down and communicated and talked with Adam and Eve there in the garden and shared his heart with them and there was this perfect commune between God the creator and man his creation , he never did it to any animal , he did n't go and talk to the trees and the plants perfect though they were , he never looked on any of the other creatures that he had made , wonderful though they may be , beautiful in their colouring , and go and talk with them , but he talks with Adam and he shares his heart with him his purpose is that Adam should communicate with him and walk with him and has fellowship with him , growing to be like him , but you see even though God created us like that , he did n't create us as puppets , it was n't God up in heaven pulling the strings and Adam did that and Eve did this and that was how it were , God is not a puppeteer and he made as capable of choosing good and evil , he gave us moral choices , because he made us his moral beings and so we could choose to do this and not to do that , we could choose to , to do this and to leave the other undone .
2 This mourning cleanses us of our false expectations and superficialities , where we try to flatten everything into a manageable world in which we are in charge .
3 The stronger move could be called anti-realist ; it denies the existence of evidence-transcendent truth and holds that differences which we are in principle incapable of recognizing do not exist .
4 We know that there are more of goods wagons which we are in the process of securing .
5 Another way in which we is by encouraging and facilitating employee volunteering .
6 He seemed to want to record everything quickly , which we were into anyway .
7 Well that 's who we 're with .
8 We acknowledge who we are in his sight , and we open ourselves to receive what he has to tell us .
9 and with us oh God and according to you we are to one church a church which opens doors and large windows a church which takes the world seriously ready to work and to suffer and even to for it and we follow and witness to him who is the saviour of the world Jesus Christ our Lord amen .
10 ‘ I came , sir , to tell you we are of the same family as you . ’
11 ‘ I told you we were in all the evening . ’
12 With a timetable to them we are in the best place to do it now cause we 're still learning we have only done three jobs , four now have n't we ? erm the Kathy procedure is definitely needed .
13 Oh no , my love , for to believe that is to deny anything and everything we were to one another .
14 Geoff will insist that we go to British Home Stores for , well we 'll , if , if we we 're with Geoff and Louise , that 's where we generally go to lunch , and it 's really nice !
15 we stay , when we we 're in Yorkshire all
16 We 're not saying we ca n't we we we 're against proposal we 've had to take on the market person but until that finance situation is eased it 's extremely difficult .
17 We we are from Wales and I would like to say that all the Welsh representatives were at one .
18 But we we were in there one night and he , he was playing .
19 Yeah the wa only one to come one was the one we were at originally , was n't it ?
20 ‘ Tell him we 're on another planet . ’
21 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
22 Through it we are in fact a governing body of sport , as for example , the F.A .
23 There is always some value in looking back in history , and I offer a quotation that best seems to describe what we are about today .
24 what we are about , or what every sales company should be about is making money .
25 Now , having spent a hard eight years making clear what we are against , the time has come to describe what we are for .
26 Now , having spent a hard eight years making clear what we are against , the time has come to describe what we are for .
27 He issued a call : ‘ Most of us know what we are against .
28 I agree , sometimes I can tell you I have witnessed a hunt and on a cold , frosty morning when er about forty or fifty horses are thundering across the ploughed field , it 's enough to p the power of that sight is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up that 's not what we are against the hunter that came to me and says Eh up lad , I wo n't go drag hunting because I 'm sixty years old , I 've done it all my life and I like the ride , I like to be there I never see a fox killed that 's fact , it 's in the video .
29 His response is to try to see clearly what we are in the scale of things :
30 Thus , it is clear that what we are in fact dealing with is an issue of political theory , the proper location of power and responsibility .
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