Example sentences of "[pron] we [vb base] not " in BNC.

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1 In Task 44 Extract 1 , for example , we might need to know the political opinions , or temperament , or personal involvement of the person for whom we are writing a report of the demonstration ; and in Extract 2 , a friend with whom we correspond might be nine or ninety , someone we saw last week , or someone we have not seen for decades .
2 By being angry at our mistakes and mentally chastising ourselves we do not learn anything about why we fall .
3 It can be used defensively to convince ourselves we do not need to take their ideas , understandings and values seriously , and to reinforce our own superior knowledge .
4 To help ourselves we have not ignored the nostalgia trend , however , for we 've been glancing back at nineteen eighty two to guess what we think will be the most significant arts ideas for nineteen eighty three .
5 Turin has provided a winger , Gianluigi Lentini , at a rumoured cost of 65 billion lire , though Mr Galliani told The Economist that it was really only 18.5 billion lire ‘ plus his salary , the amount of which we prefer not to reveal ’ .
6 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
7 This is what may be called " event stratigraphy " in which we correlate not the rocks themselves , on their intrinsic petrological characters , nor the fossils , but the events such as the Triassic transgressions just discussed .
8 Similarly , the reference to the barge really refers to an account in a play of a scene which we do not and in some ways could not witness , a scene which may never have taken place in those terms .
9 The Fourth Gospel , for example , does not lie when it puts into the mouth of Christ words , and whole patterns of speech , which we do not find on His lips in the first three gospels .
10 Interaction between the corpuscles of an almond and those of our taste-buds results in the production , in our minds , of a certain idea , that of sweetness ; though quite how such causation between the physical and the mental takes place is , Locke says , a mystery which we do not understand .
11 Some of us are oversensitive by nature and for those of us who are like that , the world can seem a cold and hostile place into which we do not seem to fit .
12 If logic and reason can interpret the information sent in by the senses and produce a conclusion that would change as the information changes , it is emotion that clouds our vision and leads to a state in which we do not see things as they are .
13 It may be modern unwillingness to accept that there were activities in ancient societies which we do not understand that accounts for the embarrassing silence of archaeology on the Andean lines and its stubborn resistance to a proper treatment of the ley theory in Britain .
14 Things which we do not have the mind structure and therefore the relevant sense of mental meaning , to understand ?
15 After all , their species-specific infrared radiations are detectable by insects — either as ‘ visible scents ’ from flower and leaf and root , or from the leaf and hair structures behaving as frequency-specific aerials or from other biophysical processes which we do not understand .
16 I do not mean decent Conservative values like the Citizen 's Charter or dreaming of the classless city ; I mean authentic Conservative values , like a social hierarchy in which power follows the rich who do not have to answer for their acts to hoi polloi , in which we do not have to feel responsible for anyone 's poverty or ill health , in which we do not have to ask questions about where the rich get their money from , and we can carve up the land to create a sort of apartheid state : each tribe to its own homeland .
17 I do not mean decent Conservative values like the Citizen 's Charter or dreaming of the classless city ; I mean authentic Conservative values , like a social hierarchy in which power follows the rich who do not have to answer for their acts to hoi polloi , in which we do not have to feel responsible for anyone 's poverty or ill health , in which we do not have to ask questions about where the rich get their money from , and we can carve up the land to create a sort of apartheid state : each tribe to its own homeland .
18 Dolphins have a sense which we do not have : using something akin to our sonar , they can ‘ see ’ their surroundings holographically ( in true 3D , rather than the effect of 3D our stereoscopic vision creates ) .
19 And how often do we , when faced with great masterpieces , say with the Apostle , ‘ I believe , Lord help my unbelief ’ and express to others an ecstasy which we do not actually feel ?
20 But it is also worth while to check up at other times , because there is still a great deal about Epsilon Aurigæ which we do not know , and it may not shine quite steadily at any time .
21 For Bohm there is both a particle ( which we see ) and a separate wave ( which we do not see directly but which creates the strange force on the particle ) .
22 It is because of the universality of the threat to freedom contained in homophobia that it becomes highly important that we try to avoid both the language which dissociates us from sexual acts by others in which we do not want to participate , and the attitudes which that language represents .
23 Most of all , perhaps , the love for God and for our fellows which the Holy Spirit produces in our hearts , a quality which we do not possess independently of him ( 4 : 18ff ) .
24 Exactly what meaning can be attached to the other histories , in which we do not exist , is not clear .
25 There are also other mechanisms for intensifying bands due to formally forbidden transitions , which we do not discuss here .
26 There are many other distinctions which the Aborigines make which we do not — an illustration of the fact that the world does not come pre-packed into nameable entities waiting for each language to pin its names on .
27 As my right hon. Friend pointed out from the Dispatch Box yesterday , only £1 in £3 of agricultural support goes to farmers , which we do not think makes much sense .
28 My hon. Friend gives an admirable description of the so-called fair rates proposals of the Labour party , to which we do not intend to return .
29 There are some languages that require interpreters to which we do not have ready access , though we always make every effort to ensure that we find an interpreter who speaks the applicant 's language or at least one in which he or she is comfortable .
30 My hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) raised some extremely interesting issues which we do not have time to debate today but which I hope will be debated in the other place , such as the relationship between the putative funding council and the Scottish Office .
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