Example sentences of "[pron] as [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I I as soon as I moved here I wanted a catalogue and a telly .
2 But er when I as soon as I was fourteen I walked to and started working next day .
3 Yer muvver 's worried about 'er as well as me . ’
4 You can think you know someone as well as yourself , but then you are caught up , surprised , by something they say .
5 May we learn to value ourselves as well as other people .
6 We sometimes surprise ourselves as well as our near and dear ones by suddenly exploding into unreasonable anger over a trifling offence which just happens to be the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
7 It seems to be a pain in the neck me cleaning the sometimes there 's a lot of dog dirt , on yours as well as mine , and I , I and they were quite er happy to do that , yet it seems to irritate somebody over there .
8 The tent that was discovered had clearly been occupied by Bonington ; it contained his possessions and therefore leaves the possibility that the notebook could have been his as well as Joe 's or Pete 's .
9 McLeish surprised himself as well as her .
10 The people backing it ‘ bunkered ’ ( disappeared with the money ) and as Producer Tiller felt morally bound to pay off all the artistes himself as well as to find their return fares .
11 These precious and fragile masterpieces in ‘ Florentine Drawing in the Age of Michelangelo ’ , which include works by the master himself as well as Leonardo , Raphael , Pontormo , Bronzino and other top names of the Italian Renaissance , will be shown in the Sainsbury Centre 's environmentally controlled exhibition space , its lighting system specially designed to display such sensitive material .
12 The content of the poem ought to be taken with several pinches of salt , partly because it belonged to the genre of boasting poem known as the gap which was a standard form of troubadour verse , and partly because William liked to mock himself as well as others .
13 Technically admirable , in that it saved the peasant from himself as well as from his oppressors , colonization demanded great expenditure to bring the land above the level of subsistence farming — an expenditure the liberal state of the nineteenth century could neither approve in principle nor afford in practice .
14 In himself as well as in her .
15 If he cut it below himself his object was presumably to save himself as well as his leader .
16 But when I bent down on some pretext and could see into his face it seemed possible that he was laughing at himself as well as flustered .
17 He told us on more than one occasion that he could not himself contemplate coming down from the House of Lords and denuding it of himself as well as its leader .
18 No , I 'm sort of I think he confused himself as well as confusing me slightly
19 The company recently valued its brand names , which as well as Spear & Jackson include Eclipse hacksaws , in readiness for a hostile takeover .
20 It 's a lively and cosmopolitan resort , which as well as being scenic , offers enormous potential to the sports enthusiast .
21 The town has many shops and pavement cafes , which as well as serving delicious cold beer , offer sinfully fattening cakes , pastries and ice-creams .
22 The problem is to develop a device which as well as demonstrating a high degree of efficiency in converting wave energy into electricity , is also robust enough to stand up to the buffeting and corrosion of the sea .
23 The teacher , too , as a fonctionnaire or civil servant , also has authority , which as well as the requirement to deliver to pupils something more or less resembling the words in the programme , includes also the authority to interpret , modify , supplement and extend .
24 The town 's main attraction is a thermal lake ( one of the largest such lakes in the world ) which as well as being therapeutic is delightful to swim in .
25 While the company was later to compromise on this method of operation , cyanide understandably enough having had its share of bad press , by suggesting gravity extraction ( which as well as being cleaner was also cheaper ) as a technical fix to the opposition to cyanide , the opposition had by then extended its attack to issues such as blasting , dust pollution and the contradiction between the short-term benefits mining would bring and the long-term development of the area threatened by mining .
26 In order to defeat an enemy who was always likely to be stronger in conventional military terms , the argument continues , what was required was a revolutionary war based upon a social transformation which as well as enthusing the population of Republican Spain might also have inspired to revolution that of the enemy zone .
27 In early September 1666 , the old city of London was devastated by the Great Fire , which as well as destroying thousands of secular buildings left old St Paul 's with severe structural damage , and no fewer than eighty-seven of the capital 's parish churches gutted or in ruins .
28 The launch of a new book , Winds of Change — living with the greenhouse effect in October marks the beginning of a weather project which as well as the publicly available book , will include a series of " weather project packs " for primary and secondary education and a TV programme .
29 and rung the A A , so as I got through to the A A man I says erm , you know , I says I , where I was parked and all like that and where I was stood and the chap says oh I 'll get a , a van up to ya as soon as I can , but I says wait a minute , I says my car 's just arrived and Joan was the mechanic , he lifted bonnet up and touched something and you brought it down did n't you ?
30 It 's a real effort to click back to that frame of mind , which is bad because fanaticism is the true experience of pop , not discrimination and broad-mindedness — I think of the splendid devotion of all those boys and girls , who as soon as they 've got hold of the new Cure or New Order or Bunnymen record , immediately set to learning the lyrics by heart , then spend days exhaustively interpreting the Tablets From on High , struggling to establish some fit between their experience and what is actually some drunken doggerel cobbled together in a studio off-moment .
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