Example sentences of "[pron] we [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Yeah and I 'll certainly and I we think are actually in process in looking at that lot as a rule that 's a very valid point .
2 It does seem , though , that when the death of someone we love is sudden it does not have to be that the shock is greater than when we have been expecting it .
3 Elsewhere , JESUS JONES ’ jovial MIKE EDWARDS — a man never ashamed to fill his wallet up at the drop of a hat — could be heard regaling the select with details of his latest project , which we hear is a remix of a BON JOVI track .
4 JB : It seemed natural that two painters working in the same vicinity with the same painting outlooks should share a studio which we 've been doing now for , how long ?
5 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
6 It seems to me that however attractive this addendum is , it 's taking us away from the real issue which is about the baptism one which the bishop er also kind of brought up er and which we 've been exercising ourselves over .
7 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
8 . Erm we 've had one attempted well one arson attack in the the period which we 've been on the flats .
9 Towards which we 've been striving for weeks .
10 Well to make that sort of revenue they will actually need to fly rather more than two million passengers a year , and in the present state of the world aviation market I reckon that 's quite a tall order , in fact if they fell short of it by five percent in a particular year that would be capable of using up the kind of capital and reserves which we 've been talking about .
11 Profits are lower and earnings are lower than last year , but cash generation which we 've been working particularly hard on er for the past couple of years er and which we will be talking about further in a minute has come through extremely well er and we produced higher levels of cash this year than at any time in the company 's history .
12 Er Chairman thank you erm the wording which we 've been erm given by Mr erm refers to erm in particular those matters where uncertainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm as far as this committee is concerned of course , erm our erm er role is that as a strategic planning authority and er I 'm quite sure that there will be erm an analysis after the event erm most likely by the Fire and Public Protection Committee who , to whom emergency planning erm are answerable and it 's the Emergency Planning Team who shoulder our responsibilities as a County Council erm and er any implications then for the Strategic Planning Committee will no doubt be taken into .
13 You ca n't , take your point which we 've been trying to tackle at national account level
14 I think there 's only one other point which I 'd I 'd like to make and that concerns the the programme re-orientation and the cost implications of that er one aspect of programme re-orientation which we 've been conscious of is the need to preserve the delivery dates of the first production standard aircraft to the Royal Air Force and Italian Air Force in the year two thousand .
15 I mean tha , is it all , you know , do we need all the time to have erm extra administrative help and in in , and in terms of which we 've been talking about before , I know they might sound like two conflicting issues but one of the ways of ensuring we get the work done is do we trying too much at the Synod ?
16 But then in seventy nine we had a hit at home with Bunch of Time and that as far as we were concerned was the end of the road you know to be successful in Ireland and then late eighty one , early eighty two you know they started playing Bunch of Time over here and it became a top twenty hit for us and that you know changed the whole thing round about and got us from say the pubs in Ireland into the concert circuit in England which we 've been doing ever since .
17 You 'll love it there : they still have the death penalty , which we know is dear to your heart .
18 This will give you a better indication of the size and type of property , which we know is often an important factor in choosing a particular holiday .
19 We are anxious to express our wholehearted support for the renewal , on a permanent basis , of the Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty — an objective which we know is shared by HMG .
20 The hypocrite offers the gull a surface falseness which he penetrates to discover ‘ a truth ’ , but which we know is another falseness .
21 Unlike orthodox similes , a number of these constructions suggest an " explanation " which we know is not true .
22 If something which we know is wrong tempts us , then we must make every effort to avoid it , by putting our energy to better use .
23 Which we know is impossible , right ? ’ he said , almost laughing .
24 If we could abolish the tax on meals , then we could get back to free competitive equilibrium in both industries which we know is Pareto-efficient .
25 The latter in particular deserve praise for the production of the Stage 2 submission , which involved the translation of written unit syllabi ( with all the problems of deciphering which we know are involved with that ) into a professionally-presented proposal document within the space of 10 days .
26 One of them bears a close anatomical resemblance to the marble copies we have after the bronze statues of the Tyrannicides by Kritios and Nesiotes which we know were set up in the Agora , the city centre north-west of the Acropolis , in 477 .
27 Beyond that I believe we can not go , although there are occasionally tantalizing groups of poems on related themes , either brought together by the editor/printer or composed as deliberate variations on a theme , and perhaps copied out on a ‘ sheet ’ of paper , folio size , folded ( which we know was a unit of composition and occasionally payment in Elizabethan poetry and drama ) .
28 There 's not a young trout in the place , no perch for our palate , no beautiful freshwater salmon which we agreed was best of all — except for char , of course , the speciality of the neighbourhood , but , as we knew , unlikely to be so lucky .
29 The wording to which we agreed was as follows : ‘ That this House welcomes the Government 's decision to leave the ERM ; and urges a fresh start to economic policy , in particular the abandonment of fixed exchange rates and a commitment to sound finance , stable money and the right climate for steady growth . ’
30 Let us remember that everything for which we legislate is for worse cases and blanket rules .
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