Example sentences of "[pron] from [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 With regard to Pentos , the Portfolio was uninvested at the start of the period and stayed that way throughout , thereby preserving itself from what would have been a painful experience .
2 My naïveté , my lack of experience , may have protected me from what would have been obvious to anyone else .
3 Horrified security staff rushed to Boris 's aid and saved him from what would have been a hairy trip home .
4 Shannon knew she should be grateful to him for leaving his warm bed to rescue her from what could have been a perilous situation , but , clasped in his arms like this , she felt both rebellious and faintly ridiculous .
5 He had tried to protect her from what could be a nasty piece of family history , he reminded himself , and she had refused to be protected .
6 From what from what would be here .
7 But its reluctant , even remote , tone is that of bureaucrats anxious to distance themselves from what might prove to be no more than fashionable scientific nonsense .
8 Furthermore , as when we infer from observed sweat the existence of pores in the skin , reason can lead us from what can be perceived to what can not .
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