Example sentences of "[pron] from [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Already he felt uneasy here , in the presence of someone from out of his sphere .
2 Clearly they have no power to do so , even if somebody asks them to , somebody from outside for instance , erm , and , and also when they do get a fire certificate , is there a display for it ?
3 They 'd laugh at you from here to Bergen .
4 ‘ Otherwise he 'd kick you from here to Barnsley , ’ says Penny .
5 Filled with windswept harmonies , stripped , emotional guitar playing and the kind of plaintive , country-tinged songs that niggle you from here to the grave , the latest offering from Nebraska-born songwriter Matthew Sweet will win the favour of anyone whose tastes lie somewhere north of Gram Parsons , south of The Beatles , east of CSN&Y and west of the Pixies .
6 ‘ I 'd have haunted you from here to eternity . ’
7 ‘ I 'll hunt you from here to Yorkshire ! ’
8 However , much harder to anticipate is their sudden appearance in front of you from nowhere in the dark with lights on and it 's not just kids , it 's adults who should know better .
9 People might come to hear you from all over the world .
10 Lucy said , ‘ In that case all you need is patience , and one day the right woman will come to you from out of the blue . ’
11 ‘ If the Europeans fight like hell over new investment and where European headquarters should be , maybe we should consider running everything from here in Detroit , the way it used to be .
12 So it 's really a case of just ensuring that the T G I manual does cover all a , it , it needs to state where it takes over from the procedure and then it needs to ensure that it covers everything from there on about T G I , because erm , just from thinking through some of the other procedures , I mean , it does n't , T G I does n't come into the costing , or at least it 's got it 's own costings .
13 For the moment , we repeat that there are two plausible stories to tell , one from outside about the human part of the natural world and the other from inside a separate social realm .
14 We can have one from there to there but he ca n't have one here .
15 Erm , there 's a sort of shop in the mall that sort of sells , oh it , it does key cutting and heeling and stuff , we got one from there in the end .
16 He clicked the intercom again and said , ‘ Miss Bassett , all calls regarding the Briant project are to he switched to me from here on in .
17 mewing for me from somewhere in the room .
18 What nonsense is talked and written about these languages by people who approach them from outside with superficial knowledge .
19 Often the height and fast bipedalism of the carnosaurs enabled them to tower over the extremely well-protected horned ceratopsians , and simply seize them from above with a powerfully armed mouth .
20 As none of us can ever get outside logocentrism ( its power over our habits of thought and over our language is so pervasive ) , the most that one can do is work against them from within in this sort of way .
21 Although he was pleased that they had managed to set everything up on time , he continued to mutter about the remaining android being alive , threatening them from somewhere on the planet .
22 Ratagan had procured beer for them from somewhere with magical ease , and they were supping the malty liquid from brimming tankards as they went .
23 or to Jesus and to confuse their language that they may not listen to one another 's language and accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth so , and that was God 's purpose for them to be er spread out all over the earth cos God knew that city life would only break down and all these centuries have passed since then and there 's urgent proof throughout the year , the cities , the cities do n't work so God had his own way , give it , the one , his way is the only one that works and thus when we pray for this king of
24 In the past a Welsh dealer had brought ponies and kept them on the moors at Hartshead to fatten them up for a few weeks prior to the fair , and Mr Rawson had often helped to drive them from there to Lee Gap .
25 Trains from West Kirby will finish at Birkenhead North station and a shuttle bus will convey them from there to Hamilton Square station .
26 My feeling ( although I am not the best judge ) was that the Workshop was a complete success in that it involved the participants in exploring the intellectual bases of their subject , and led them from there to the practical rethinking of their teaching methods and curricula .
27 Social workers went to the primary school in St Margaret 's Hope , a brand new open-plan building , and removed them from there in front of the other children .
28 I showed Rudi what I wanted and now he gets requests for them from all over the world .
29 He broke through , and was across the clearing that separated him from Yet in a twinkling .
30 If someone touched him from behind on a crowded Saturday night he would push himself back onto the anonymous hand , just like a cat would , without turning round to see who it was .
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