Example sentences of "[pron] she [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She was also rather surprised by the way in which she took her own newly-acquainted charms , for she was almost as determined as Janice to make the best of herself , and she had more to make the best of .
2 Indeed , she was rather proud of the magnificent logic with which she countered his Winchester admission .
3 She settled everybody round the fire , took them hot drinks , and then set to work on her sweet-hearted retriever with a comb , during which she got her guests into perspective .
4 After the Anglo-French reconciliation of 1303 , Edward wrote to Marie of France thanking her for her letters in which she expressed her desire for a meeting and conversation between him and her stepson , Philip the Fair .
5 After spending four days in Alberta , the Queen celebrated Canada Day on July 1 with a speech in French and English to a crowd of 100,000 in Ottawa , during which she expressed her " anxiety and deep concern " over the country 's constitutional problems .
6 She excelled in playing ruthlessly calculating bitch-goddesses , clawing their way to wealth , security and power : eg as Mildred , the sluttish Cockney waitress who enslaves sensitive Leslie Howard in John Cromwell 's adaptation of Somerset Maugham 's Of Human Bondage ( 1934 ) , the role in which she made her reputation ; as Jezebel , flouting the decorous conventions of the antebellum South in William Wyler 's 1938 melodrama of that name ; and as the indefatigably scheming Regina , one of her most memorable creations , in Wyler 's 1941 film version of Lillian Hellman 's The Little Foxes .
7 She opened her handbag and brought out an astonishing assortment of cosmetics , with which she daubed my face .
8 Fenna 's mightier flying , inside which she had her little flight , lifted her up , higher and higher .
9 And to Clare 's delight , she sold the lease of the apartment in which she ran her playgroup — for a profit of twenty-three per cent .
10 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
11 She is here again because I , with a claim of my own to advance , and having regard to yet another claim , with strict fairness , brought her back to Shrewsbury , from which she began her controversial odyssey , so that she herself might choose where she wished to rest .
12 She never had a formal lesson in her life , while the ancient piece of rusty iron which in her hands became a magic putter , was the one with which she began her golfing career ! "
13 Twenty minutes later , carrying a carefully packaged beautiful glass vase which she knew her parents — well , her mother in particular — were just going to love , Fabia came down the stairs again and , stepping out into the colonnade , bumped right into none other than Lubor Ondrus .
14 Certainly , in her classroom , sex was the topic on which she knew their vocabulary to be widest , in spite of the fact that it did n't receive the level of attention she insisted they devote to the subjects on the curriculum .
15 The vigour , sometimes amounting to brutality , with which she utilized her seapower in time of war , by wholesale interference with neutral shipping carrying contraband or trading with her enemies , did much to increase the hostility with which she was now widely regarded .
16 Flavia saw Andrée glance at the square of oil-cloth off which she ate her meals .
17 After a moment of silence in which she studied his face , she said : ‘ I do n't know if it 's of any importance , but they played a game . ’
18 Features assistant Jayne Dowle , 24 , married sound engineer Dave Elliott in a humanist ( strictly non-religious ) ceremony for which she wrote her own marriage vows .
19 We were impressed with the fluency with which she manipulated her thousand word vocabulary , though speech itself did seem to be a considerable effort for her .
20 She had no idea of course how frequently she might bump into Ven in the short while in which she shared his suite .
21 Anna went down the road to post her letter , for she had written a letter to accompany the cheque , in which she reiterated her sorrow about the death of the cat and added that if there was anything she could do , Miss Jakob had only to let her know .
22 This little ritual lasted about two minutes after which she raised her eyes and calmly told me that my money signified ‘ death ’ .
23 In the Observer , Janet Watts had no reservations : ‘ Hannah received me with the warmth and courtesy she radiates in the film and talked for three hours without any refreshment but a tooth-glass of tap water , in which she toasted my health . ’
24 The jury only heard her voice once when the prosecution played a tape-recorded interview with police , in which she protested her innocence .
25 Those choking fits , for instance , and the way in which she followed her routine so unerringly .
26 The hand had the warmth of personal feeling , whereas the theatrical sigh with which she said her last words was nothing but an actressy trick from a bad radio play .
27 East Clwyd coroner David Jones read a statement by Jacob 's mother , Alison Bates , in which she said her pregnancy had been normal but she was warned that intervention might be necessary because of the position of the baby 's head .
28 The appalling slowness with which she arranged her hair and powdered her face drove her small nephew almost frantic .
29 The long Bengali shopping corridor in which she presented her collection was a photogenic backdrop , but the relentless Seventies muzak combined with a final bellow from Barry White was annoying .
30 Her great deception , that cruel triumphant power by which she held her husband trapped and blinded , was held in tension between the constant possibility of a devastating revelation , and the equal prospect of an indefinitely continued impersonation of a kind of moral perfection .
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