Example sentences of "[pron] at some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 all that 's been disclosed is one as far as I know , erm your Lordship can see that I at some stage need to have a look at them , er before I complete in any way so I can cross examine Mr er my Lord may I just say this , on the seventeenth of November , that 's two days ago , we asked for the documents of the necessary twelve M P's two days ago
2 She was so much a daughter of the vicarage in accent , manner , and appearance ( her father had been a clergyman ) that without being told I had assumed , seeing evidence in Mrs Browning 's home that someone at some time had lived in a hot country , that her husband had been a missionary .
3 But I do think the specific point you make as to whether there 's any prospect of the National Commission for Racial Equality putting any money towards the development worker that 's wished , ought to be addressed by somebody at some point in the context of preparing the next report .
4 Somebody 's car alarm 's gone off no , right , now this where lots and lots of people used to really moan , the , the person that was having a fit would absolutely go through hell because somebody at some stage had said oh you must put something in a person 's mouth that has epilepsy .
5 In the late 1940s integrationists had tended to desire a single federal political system , which at some point would entail a single act of abrogation of national rights to a supranational authority , whose precedence over the former national states would be constitutionally defined .
6 It consisted of natural slabs of flattish stone which at some time in the past had been levelled by wedges , and ‘ helped ’ in places by concrete , to form a crossing-place .
7 However , Sun has softened its attitude towards DCE of late , and now seems certain to offer the OSF solution itself at some point in the future .
8 The only way round this conclusion is to suppose that instead of the chain of justification stretching away to infinity , it turns round on its tail and joins up with itself at some point , forming a circle .
9 Oh , no ; whatever it was wanted to introduce itself at some stage , because one night she was lying staring at the dark when it seemed as though her head simply filled out into a large horizon .
10 In this respect orthodox medicine may have placed itself at some disadvantage to its complementary counterparts .
11 Among the most detailed derive , not entirely unexpectedly , from people like John Elliott and Helen Simons who at some time have worked with Lawrence Stenhouse .
12 Then , of a sudden , he nodded to himself firmly — and the look around his mouth was almost as arrogant as that of the late Theodore Kemp , who at some time , at some point , had recently been manoeuvred into these selfsame murky , swollen waters .
13 Women were even more mobile , reflecting perhaps the large proportion who at some time of their life entered service and married extra-parochial partners .
14 Similarly , people who at some time in the future will require foreign currency ( people such as importers , holiday makers , or those thinking of investing abroad or in foreign securities ) may prefer to wait before exchanging pounds into the relevant foreign currencies if they believe that the sterling price of these currencies is likely to fall ( the pound is likely to appreciate ) .
15 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
16 I mean I 'll bung them in to you at some point
17 You know if you did n't fill it in , they would act actually catch up with you at some stage and you may erm if you had exceeded the limit be erm you know you may be issued with a demand for a cheque for X for X number of pounds for overpayment of pension .
18 Check your records to make sure that your employee was employed by you at some time during that week .
19 No doubt they will want to interview you at some time .
20 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
21 The umpires might also have noticed something at some point along the line !
22 I would like to say something at some point about the point I made earlier about going , increasingly as you go down this list , you depart in directions which are , er , contrary to your policies , but
23 But more often a class will achieve an economic interest at the expense of an ideological one , or an ideological one at some cost to its political strength , and this interplay of interests in the course of the class struggle contributes to an exceedingly complex class structure .
24 I was thinking that if you do want to get a colour one at some time
25 Was there at some time then , a briefing for the officers who were going to go into the flat ?
26 She composed herself at some leisure before answering .
27 Because Mr has represented him , Mr said before that he he thought it was as duty solicitor that he , he has represented him at some stage as duty solicitor but , he is represented under legal aid though this defendant by a firm of solicitors in Birmingham and he 's anxious to be committed for trial today .
28 He , he has represented him at some stage as duty solicitor .
29 A member of the mathematics advisory team was invited by the headteacher to work in the school and while it was not compulsory , it was assumed that every teacher would work with him at some stage .
30 Those of us privileged to have spoken to him at some length and to have seen his fascinating family albums would have known of his boyhood tea with Hitler , his Military Medal midstream in some Eastern battlefield and a host of other incidents .
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