Example sentences of "[pron] they [be] and " in BNC.

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1 Then make sure you know which they are and check them to see they have not been removed or weakened .
2 They can never realize the parental aspiration other than in a superficial way , and they are left not only with the envy of the sex they were meant to be , but also unable to enjoy the sex which they are and the advantages which pertain to it .
3 Hence this type of learning could not be achieved by mere transient modulation of transmitter release ; new proteins were being made , and it was necessary to discover which they were and what their cellular functions were .
4 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
5 P. A friendly person , someone who is good to session with , someone who can appreciate someone else 's skating and not to judge them as to what they can do but also who they are and how they are .
6 He would see loads of young people who are trying to learn how to make sense of life , trying to sort out what is right and what is wrong , trying to understand who they are and how to get on with people around them .
7 First I will tell you who they are and then , when I have explained the purpose of our coming , you will understand why they are here .
8 He will say that he has duties to attend to and then , looking at the adventurers , will ask who they are and become confused again .
9 Huntley , a burly 51-yearold , has created a constant reminder of who they are and what they want in the form of glossy profiles , complete with pictures , inserted beneath a glass plate on the leather topped table in his office .
10 It 's worth knowing who they are and what they do .
11 Whether or not you think you 'll ever need to use their services ( see Chapter 21 on where to go for advice and help ) , it 's important to get to know who they are and what they do .
12 Well I work as a psychotherapist and it seems to me that for some people change is impossible and when that is the case then its my job to help them to come to terms with who they are and what they are and how there going to remain , but the other side of it is helping people to change and I have to say usually its to loose weight , that 's the biggest reason people want to change .
13 And here we have the calling under er an administration you know who they are and they 're hanging their heads every time you speak , you speak to them .
14 Says Jim Cummins : ‘ Kids who are proud of who they are and who have no ambivalence about that have no problems in school ’ .
15 All right then tell us who they are and what they do .
16 He argues that people in contemporary societies are increasingly obliged to depend on ‘ markers of ethnicity ’ as a means of identifying who they are and where they belong .
17 The beliefs and ideas that organisations hold about who they are and what they are trying to do and what their environment is like have a much greater tendency to realise themselves than is usually believed .
18 They can be told some of the pre-requisites , and have to work out the others out-of-role before starting — perhaps they are told who they are and what has happened , and they have to agree where and when the situation is taking place .
19 Each person goes in turn to one or more other(s) in the circle , saying who they are and what dealings they have with them .
20 Who 's like to explain wh who they are and whatever .
21 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
22 ‘ They have a basic need to know that someone loves them , but some of these children are not secure about who they are and who loves them .
23 Well if I know who they are and I do n't know where they come from I 'll just put who they are day I were talking to them and dash it .
24 Francis Morgan stood and stared at them , and even before the man stepped forward steadily , hand extended , mouth opening to speak , he understood who they were and what they had come to tell him .
25 The photographs were printed in a series of features about celebrities ' wives and who they were and how they coped .
26 So I found out who they were and what they were .
27 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
28 Whoever they were and whatever they were doing , both were obviously far more scared than he was .
29 Try and guess what they are and you could win a prize .
30 If there are possible problems and conditions that make the company worried about how a partner will cope make it clear that you know what they are and that they are not problems to you .
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