Example sentences of "[pron] he might be " in BNC.

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1 'E told me 'e might be late an' not ter wait up , ’ Sadie went on .
2 An officer with private income might find the half-pay given to those no longer employed in active units an agreeable augmentation of his resources , which he might be content to draw for the remainder of his life .
3 To do this successfully , the soldier had to be ready : he had to train in military skills which he might be called upon to use .
4 In his reply St. Johnston said that the Chief Inspector of Constabulary at the Home Office , whom he had consulted , did not think he should accept the invitation to join the working party , but that there would be no objection to his attending any meeting to which he might be invited .
5 To which he might be inclined to plead guilty ; if only to see the expression on our face .
6 The weirdo in the hat , whoever he might be , is the weirdo in the hat .
7 In the first , which the author derived from Abbess Aelfflaed , herself an eye-witness , who died in 713 ( HE 111 , 24 ; AU s.a. 712 : AT p. 222 ) , Aldfrith is said to have urged his successor , whoever he might be , to come to terms with Wilfrid ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 59 ) , and in the second , seemingly later version , to have urged his son and heir , Osred , to do so ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) .
8 He said , ‘ Silvia told me he might be coming over . ’
9 With Sarah Chester 's on the brink of insolvency it occurred to me he might be panicking … ’
10 As is his wont , Ash treats Pliable , with whom he might be supposed to sympathise , with more apparent spleen than he directs towards his monstrous monk whose ravings have a certain real sublimity .
11 Cadfael took the key from the porter , who hovered with slightly anxious sympathy , and was relieved to see a delinquent for whom he might be held responsible returning docilely to his prison .
12 his he might be able to get other people from where I 've you know from the department here who are also interested in that .
13 After this , if there was to be an after , how could she live knowing what he might be up to , and the tight corners he could be getting into .
14 He mumbled so badly that , half the time , I could only guess at what he might be saying .
15 She mused , but without real curiosity , on what he might be doing at this very moment to that unknown cadaver , young or old , male or female .
16 He 's like a policeman taking evidence , and it occurs to me that it 's just what he might be .
17 Then she no longer knew or cared how he looked or what he might be feeling , and surrendered herself totally to the sensation of being in his arms .
18 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
19 What he might be doing is to actually seek to increase the proportion of our very vulnerable population into the means testing category and that what he 's got to watch is that he does n't end up in a position whereby defining health care in one way and social care very carefully .
20 Rachel looked up sharply but his expression was inscrutable , giving away nothing of what he might be feeling .
21 He seemed edgy and ill at ease and as they took the lift up to the fourth floor and stepped out into the corridor his eyes darted from side to side as if he was terrified at what he might be about to see .
22 It was hard to tell what he might be thinking .
23 The Fat Controller — whatever he might be — had ceased to manifest himself .
24 Now she 'd spoken his name she was committed , intent on preserving her dignity : making the point to her attractive companion that , whatever he might be thinking , she was n't in the market for love — or the poor reproduction of that emotion that a lot of men produced in the pursuit of sexual thrills .
25 He insinuated that my ‘ business ’ must be something utterly depraved , far worse than anything he might be going to do .
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