Example sentences of "[pron] that is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 somebody that is doing it as a business , what sort of money are they looking to ?
2 Like him , I do not necessarily automatically accept everything that is stated in Scottish newspapers .
3 Everything that is done must be subordinate to some official who reports up to a member of the administrative class , who is under an assistant secretary who then puts the matter to the permanent secretary , he being the adviser to the minister .
4 But in ( 76 ) with the predicate qualifier the lady and her red hair are intensionally separated ; therefore while it is still possible to use ( 76 ) to the same effect as ( 75 ) , with everything that is constructed with the verb covered by without solid evidence , this notion may also be taken as only related to one of the two extending elements ; that is , Oliver may reliably know her and what she is like — it is her image as red-haired that was constructed without solid evidence .
5 No party presents the electorate with explicit choices between widely desired ends ; they generally seek to convince it that they can bring a little more of everything that is wanted .
6 In its first year the plant will process 500 BMWs , building up to its capacity of 2,500 , by operating as a factory in reverse — working on the premise that everything that is bolted , welded , glued , screwed or sewn in can be used again .
7 The network news programmes provide only a ‘ headline service ’ , nothing can be dealt with in any depth and everything that is covered has to be supported by good televisuals .
8 In our minds ‘ eating everything that is placed in front of us ’ is associated with ‘ well done , that 's a nice clean plate ’ .
9 ‘ The only problem I would have with the NICMA 's recommendations is that Laura is too young to understand everything that is explained to her , ’ she said .
10 Proceedings in the Chamber are fully recorded so that everything that is said or done is available for the broadcasters to use in their programmes .
11 But suppose we think that everything that is said purports to be a statement of fact , and suppose we think that for someone to be justified in saying what he says he must say it on the basis of something he has observed .
12 That period is to all intents and purposes part of the sentence , and he ought to know everything that is said about him before it is fixed .
13 A basic interest in questions about the meaning and purpose of life ( a ) to challenge secularist assumptions and to appreciate that religious truth-claims can not be easily dismissed ; ( b ) to understand what is distinctive about religion , that is , what it essentially concerns , and be able to distinguish between that and features of it which can vary and perhaps be dispensed with altogether ; ( c ) to realize in particular in how many different ways religion can masquerade as something else , and fail to be what it claims to be ; ( d ) to appreciate the highly controversial nature of religion and of almost everything that is said about it by anyone , whether religious or not ; ( e ) to have a firm grasp of criteria by which to evaluate precise examples and manifestations of religion in practice ; ( f ) to appreciate the force of the question-mark with regard to the ultimate divide between religion and non-religion , and to appreciate the reality of the dilemma , and the ways in which religion needs to be questioned for its failures , negative attitudes , hypocrisy and externalism .
14 In France everything that is prohibited is permitted .
15 Thus the audience fail to understand everything that is offered .
16 Indeed , if superbly well written , it may contain everything that is required .
17 Between them , they do everything that is required to keep a large factory mechanically sound , safe from the elements and all services running .
18 For everything that is dropped into the tin cup , people have to feel that they get something back .
19 When you are helping the patient to wash , you should try to follow the same sequence as the nurse , and remember to keep describing to the patient everything that is happening .
20 It is impossible to see , hear and participate in everything that is happening in a given social environment .
21 A very digestible article which supports the view that ICI 's Market Focus initiative is a vital quality process and has a synergy with everything that is happening in C&P .
22 In the USSR everything that is permitted is prohibited .
23 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
24 It is not easy for an observer to notice everything that is going on .
25 Friends tell one another just about everything that is going on in each other 's lives …
26 In such circumstances the individual can not think entirely of himself , and certainly the therapist can no longer afford the luxury of ignoring everything that is going on outside the consulting room ; finally , in the specific circumstances of psychoanalytic theory , the individualistic fallacy can no longer go unchallenged .
27 If I take the time necessary for pupils to really understand a topic , then I will certainly have trouble exposing them to everything that is expected .
28 Despite everything that is working in OPEC 's favour , odds still are that oil prices will weaken later this year .
29 Sir : A few hours after reading Terry Coleman 's article on the United Nations General Assembly ( 30 September ) , I came across this passage in Trollope 's Barchester Towers , which exactly expressed my feelings , and , I hope , those of many others of your readers : I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for the newspapers … to thunder forth accusations against men in power ; show up the worst side of everything that is produced ; to pick holes in every coat ; to be indignant , sarcastic , jocose , moral , or supercilious ; to damn with faint praise , or crush with open calumny .
30 Everything that is labelled Pocock may not be Pocock , albeit in his style .
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