Example sentences of "[pron] that seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing that seems of much interest . "
2 In his investigations he was like an explorer in an unknown country , examining everything that seemed of interest .
3 ‘ Yes , I like horses , ’ she agreed lamely , then , unable to think of anything intelligent to say about them , asked something that seemed of far more importance .
4 " The imagination " , wrote Beveridge , " merely enables us to wander into the darkness of the unknown where , by the dim light of the knowledge that we carry , we may glimpse something that seems of interest .
5 All too easily , if you pin the whole plot on something that seems to you a tremendous novelty , you can find that some writer you have n't happened to read has had much the same idea before you .
6 Something that seems to be sadly lacking in this house .
7 Given the most cynical interpretation , although one that seems to be surprisingly widely held in New York , ‘ those four beautiful books have become the most glamorous mail order catalogue in history . ’
8 It 's a simple formula , but one that seems to be quite successful , judging from the number of copies sold already .
9 Nonetheless , the flow-chart-cum-module model is much more open to interpretation in terms of localization ( if only because both are normally explained and displayed spatially ) , and therefore any explication of consciousness in their terms will tend to be a localized model , or what I referred to as a pinball-machine view of consciousness , one that seems to me a priori implausible .
10 Of the suggestions that we have canvassed the one that seems to be the most promising is that which points to the emergence of classical measuring instruments from a quantum mechanical substrate , even if the mode and consistency of this happening is harder to comprehend than Copenhagen orthodoxy is willing to recognise .
11 The worst target of all is the one that seems to be near but is forever receding as one gets closer to it .
12 2 ) Do you feel the newsletter should have a theme ? a ) Completely — No articles at all except relevant to the theme ? b ) Half and half — Have a theme but be flexible about articles that can go in too ? c ) No — just do anything that seems of interest ?
13 That afternoon there was a voice among us that seemed to be leading the whole thing — anything he say is what we thinking , but before .
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