Example sentences of "[pron] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For nothing , David , ’ said Julia , knowing that it was her fault and not his that they had got so near the brink .
2 Robert merely had to drop a few bon mots from Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi 's handbook into the conversation and Maisie 's eyes widened the way they did when you offered to take her out for a meal or when she was telling you how someone had told someone that she had a beautiful mouth .
3 I did not run into a lot of people who told me that they had been unexpectedly impressed by Mr Kinnock or unimpressed by Mr Major .
4 But managers told me that they had learned from the experience .
5 Onlookers admitted to me that they had come simply to see the tragic spectacle of the naked bodies — some of which were badly burned .
6 When the greetings and exclamations were over , they told me that they had been staying on Mull for a few days , and had just arrived on Moila , and were putting up at the post office with Mrs McDougall .
7 ( Two surviving compositors , both of whom began work in 1909 told me that they had been among the last recruits . )
8 Work-place acquaintance can safely be assumed to explain most of these weddings — though as it happens , two of the surviving women compositors , one who married a compositor from another printing office , and one whose husband worked at Bartholomew 's the map-printers , told me that they had met their future husbands at social gatherings unconnected with work .
9 I would never punish any child who did n't agree with me that they had done something …
10 It was clear to me that they had spared him in order to groom him for their own uses .
11 Erm told me that they had a lot of or a lot a number of people ringing purporting to be someone asking for information , and they like to keep a log of these bogus phone calls , I then rang the patients mother and and told her what had happened as quickly as I could .
12 Does the right hon. Gentleman remember that five months before the Gulf war , the Government told me that they had full confidence that Saddam Hussein was not developing nuclear weapons ?
13 I visited a school in the North West recently and the school told me that they had a considerable number of girls applying to university to read engineering about two years ago .
14 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
15 It took an enormous amount of discussion to persuade me that we had enough intrinsic skills to mount a successful oil operation , but those closer to the competition and the marketplace knew better than I their own relative abilities .
16 Later he said to me that we had been very helpful to him and he said it 's bad enough to be depressed but when you 're depressed and hungry , it 's really bad .
17 Although Mr Salmon had already told me that we had declared war against the Germans almost a year ago — none of us having heard of Archduke Franz Ferdinand — we only found out how serious it was when a lot of young lads who had worked in the market began to disappear off to ‘ the front ’ to be replaced by their younger brothers — and sometimes even sisters .
18 Yesterday we received p.c. from Stephen — is n't he sweet to write to us — which reminded me that we had a much appreciated card from Alaska some time ago .
19 Very occasionally she would come and tell me that it had been left so immaculate that she 'd had almost nothing to do and instead would remove some of the dust in the melin for us .
20 One glance at Hannah 's meadows told me that it had very real prospects because it did not have the lush , emerald green appearance of chemically fertilized land .
21 A shod note accompanied the card , informing me that it had been found on Oberleutnant Bauer 's body .
22 And when I asked her what she was doing with it , Emma — or maybe it was Sophie — told me that it had been dropped by two men , who were fighting each other behind some trees on the other side of the park . ’
23 A month ago my bank informed me that it had been obliged to arrest £250 of my money to satisfy a court order obtained by sheriff officers .
24 So these wee things I I knew and er my staff soon found you see that well they just had to go along and do the job as it should be done , you see , and they were no good at kidding me that it had been done , for I used to examine everything that was done you see .
25 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
26 My friend , a widow , was on the point of saying if he could n't attend , neither could she , when it occurred to me that I had no engagements for the weekend in question .
27 Three hours earlier a lilting voice had told me that I had a nice big cock .
28 The therapist did n't attempt to persuade me that I had nothing to fear ; instead , every week I sat in her calm , warm room and talked about my family , my friendships , my feelings about myself , my ambitions .
29 He had expressed so often the depth of his love and had made it clear to me that I had given meaning to his life .
30 Then Romano took me to one side — my father was sitting at his desk — and told me that I had a great future in front of me and that people would be prepared to sell property to the Damianis .
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