Example sentences of "[pron] that [pron] feel " in BNC.

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1 Although the ministers were too polite to commit themselves , even when I pressed them on this point , it was clear to me that they felt they , and their church , had been used .
2 ‘ Is there something wrong with me that I felt such a blankness ?
3 Deborah is confident and outspoken and had mentioned to me that she felt her sense of herself as ‘ not bad-looking ’ , and her lack of any real anxieties about her weight or body was largely due to her mother .
4 She told me that she felt she could do this , and proceeded to do so .
5 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
6 My informant tells me that she feels sure that the earlier event is still ‘ earthbound ’ and repeated the action .
7 An elderly verger once confided to me that he felt happier at a good funeral than at a wedding .
8 ‘ He said to me that he felt that in the last couple of internationals he had n't done himself justice .
9 I told you that she felt her life was ended .
10 Everything that is in my head , everything that I feel ; the fact that the natural world thinks nothing and neither laughs nor cries . ’
11 Similarly , the heat of a material thing being something that we feel with some part of our body , what can someone mean who says that he perceives the heat of something directly ?
12 One of the things I found out about this one , is that , welder 's lung is still not recognized as an industrial disease er of all this time , and yet , if you have welder 's lung by er using stainless steel , it is , but it comes under asthma , so that 's something that we feel that should be being pushed by the G M B.
13 in particular and , and some put gateway effect and possibly the ramble you see for example on the A twelve at Brandon in , er , er Brentham rather is something that we feel we could do readily and in the near future , so an element of that is calming in the very foreseeable future , more comprehensive traffic calming a little further into the horizon and I 'm afraid the bypass some time much further into the horizon , I think Chairman , I hope that er Miss that 's an adequate summary of our discussion .
14 The unfortunate side of religion is when people become fanatical about their faith and they believe so strongly in something that they feel the need to prove it to others .
15 Is that something that you feel may come from the ‘ hothouse ’ atmosphere of drama school in the first place ?
16 Injunctions : If a neighbour gets planning permission to build something that you feel is grossly unreasonable , you may be able to protect your rights by obtaining an injunction .
17 and I do n't know how he managed to fit it in er but some people manage it erm it means that sometimes you , you know , you 're very time limited on , on , on writing things and you do n't put in something that you feel does justice to yourself , you know , you put in what you think of as crap and , and you know mm
18 This was something that I felt I had to speak up about . ’
19 The only exception to this is that the test machine arrived without one of its little rubber feet , something that I feel might happen quite regularly , given that they just screw in with a small self-tapping screw , and have no supporting adhesive to really make things permanent .
20 So as I say I , I found Friday very useful , I found the er , the renewed routines , although we , I mean we all had lots of problems with the videos , they did n't come out but it did n't really matter because the three of us in our group sat there and very openly , very honestly , and without any personal animosity whatsoever helped each other and that again , as I say very useful and so above all a and I think it 's something that I feel very strongly about because we have n't talked to people we 've , in English , understandable language about what this is all about .
21 So how far do you actually want God to forgive you up to three times and then no more you know it 's it 's that kind of er question that we 're asking and that we that I feel that is something we should be thinking about that how far should a Christian go in forgiving .
22 Go for the one that you feel compelled to pick up .
23 Spend some time looking at various models and choose one that you feel most comfortable with .
24 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
25 As he approaches the city on the freeway the same old restless excitement stirs in him that he felt on that first apocalyptic evening all those years ago .
26 ‘ I suppose it was because you had such respect for him that you felt you could leave him in charge of the boarders tonight ? ’
27 It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him and wiping him out of your life .
28 ‘ It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him !
29 Dr Neil was not in any way surprised at McAllister 's reaction to his lovemaking ; he expected such modesty from a well brought up young girl , and her arms around his neck , her timid responses , fluttering though they were , told him that she felt for him what he felt for her , and further inflamed his own passion , while warning him to go gently .
30 Obviously , that was not the case but it may be that Viola was so used to people thinking like that about her that she felt a need to assert herself as well .
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