Example sentences of "[pron] i did in " in BNC.

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1 The upshot of this long sessions was that Eliot asked me to send him all the relevant documents , which I did in a letter of 20 May .
2 Indeed without any wish to evade my responsibility for subsequent events , I think I may fairly claim that in everything I did in re Karen and her husband I was market-led .
3 The first one I did in just a week .
4 Asked what I did in Britain I replied ‘ Like you , I am a smallholder ; I farm only ten acres . ’
5 But remember I 'm a writer , and there 's a lot of difference between what I did in the '70s and what so many of them did . ’
6 I was told that what I did in my bedroom was a private matter .
7 What I did in the circumstances was go off into an Ollieish riff about je ne sais quoi , keeping Stu achortle without waking the fair Gillian .
8 ‘ If you are grateful to me for what I did in my childhood , I hope you have improved your way of life now .
9 You can either type your data into this form — which is what I did in this instance — or you can import data from an Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet or from a Delimited ASCII file .
10 Well I would 've called what I did in bloody Austria eighteen months ago physical it knackered me more than many other bloody things I did , like crawling up bloody hills and Mind you it 's just as enjoyable .
11 Erm , but I wanted some cash , so what I did in the end was walked round Asda remembered it , or thought I remembered it , came back out put the erm card back in and the terminal came up erm it 's ok .
12 Also Whittaker , the English master , must have suffered with my transposition of a simple sentence in basic english , but nevertheless seemed to enthuse over anything I did in the manner of an essay .
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