Example sentences of "[pron] for [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 I hope for your sake that those who provide them for you are as careful in following the rules as you should be when creating your own .
2 We had much evidence during fieldwork that these complicated rules are maintained by community pressures : for example , when a young East Belfast informant applied a strategy of front-raising ( similar to RP ) to the item chap ( on a word-list ) , he was loudly mocked by his companions , who perceived his pronunciation as an attempt at RP ( which for them is an effeminate stereotype ) .
3 I could not understand at the time why they thought we were Germans , but I later discovered that they knew we were people from a border and the only border they could think of was the one with Austria , which for them was the same as Germany .
4 It 's the irrelevance of this texture which for me is one of the two main problems with the book .
5 Gandhi in fact does conceive the purpose of life to be to know the Self , which for him is equivalent to realizing God or knowing the Truth .
6 Foucault is critical of such a theory not just because it is based on a science/non-science distinction which for him is simply the product of a particular discursive formation which claims access to the real , rather than involving any epistemological questions of truth or objectivity , but also because it produces the notion of ideology as a secondary mediation ( as in Althusser 's interpellation ) in an inside/outside structure between the determinants of power and the individual subject .
7 Only through his marriage , which for him was unconsciously rooted in an identification with the bereaved , did he create the conditions where it became more difficult to drive out or cut off from the attachment he both yearned for and feared .
8 Next , the process of expansion would undermine all those institutions which expressed the highly personalised private enterprise which for him was the essence of capitalism ( such as the change in ownership from individual proprietorship to equity participation in large corporations ) , as well as destroy the protecting strata — the aristocracy , farmers and small business — on which it depended .
9 She was slightly wary of him in this city which for him was replete with memories .
10 As he had stressed in The Rock this was not in the sense of information , but rather in the sense of consciousness of values ; and he deplored a situation where the term society implied simply a group of ‘ well connected ’ and affluent people , which had almost no relation to that other group or society which maintained moral and intellectual standards , which for him was the church .
11 Messiaen and Boulez were the focus of attention , composers who for him were an intellectual dead-end .
12 That 's the sort of question to ask Stevie , by the way he says tartaric acid , ask him for it 's proper chemical name .
13 But the man would could win it for them is Mick Quinn substitute against his old club .
14 But for what we want it for ours is good enough .
15 But the shopman had already bowed as though keeping it for her was all any human being could ask .
16 My my er my the convincing I have to do in myself and and you have to do it for me is whether this is is the right platform for you .
17 Its not worth it for you is it , you might have to hang on till after Christmas and try and
18 That was a bit far fetched I suppose but erm you wo n't be looking at it for it is believable or not .
19 We chose it for it 's elegant design .
20 So I wan na change it for it 's my first , my Fat Controller 's Railway .
21 Frau Nordern coughed in what for her was a diffident manner .
22 But I put it down to a natural wish on Jefferson 's part to protect what for him was a considerable investment in a new club and , if Harley 's new agent had exacted his usual pound , or stone rather , of flesh , a considerable investment in a golf pro .
23 What for me was most crucial in this process was a clear analysis of the health and national economic and political situation ; a strategy for addressing it which identifies both the major challenges and the spaces in which you can currently work for change ; commitment to mobilize as many as possible behind this strategy ; and whilst focusing on the local situation , not to neglect the national and international situation .
24 In the terms discussed in Chapter 2 during our reinterpretation of the Chicago School , these groups convert certain districts in what for them are front regions .
25 In general Wilson and Stewart were complimented on the political assistance they were providing in what for them was an " agonisingly difficult " situation .
26 Hundreds of Trekkies queued for up to three hours to spend what for them was an almost perfect day at the cinema .
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