Example sentences of "[pron] have just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And another of them has just come out after doing time for burglary . ’
2 Most pubs in the country probably have a few regulars who think their local is the best in Britain … but one of them has just proved it .
3 See I 've just said something er , they 'd be quite happy with that I should think , yeah it 's running now
4 You see I 've just taped that .
5 I 'm gon na fix that , no do I 'll , yeah I 'll bring some from home cos I wan I wan na nip home for er an hour and I 'll er I 've just seen Anne .
6 there you see I 've just cured that one look , that one with
7 She said I ca n't I 've just had a sleeping tablet .
8 ‘ Everything you want to do someone has just done or someone has the rights .
9 Squeeze your fist … study the feelings of tension this creates … learn what it is like now to have this experience of tension in the fist … [ after approximately five seconds ] … and now relax … let go of all the tension just allow your fingers to fall with gravity … you may experience a slight tingling effect as the muscles relax … feel the fingers and hand becoming heavier and heavier … feeling as though someone has just placed a glove made of lead on your hand … causing the whole hand to feel heavy , heavy as lead … the muscles sinking down dead weight hanging on the bones of the hand …
10 He wrote : ‘ If someone has just stepped out of your life you 'll be better reaching for this single than a bottle , razor blade or handkerchief . ’
11 Unfortunately I am obliged to terminate at this stage , because someone has just passed me a note saying that the band has to depart at 11 pm , and it is now 10.30 .
12 ‘ You know someone has just come in downstairs . ’
13 ‘ That new fuel blend of yours has just ensured that I 've had the most embarrassing drive of my life !
14 Often I felt so full after eating that I had to lie down or drag myself to lectures , feeling as though I 'd just eaten three Christmas dinners .
15 you once asked as though I 'd just begun
16 I 'm thinking about marketing my services on quality and relating to customers in a way that I 'd just begun to think of before but now it 's come right to the front .
17 I 'd just turned right off the B1 150 at Fairstead when I nearly crashed into the back of this unlit car skewed across the road .
18 Then I remember getting the Ramones album when I 'd just turned sixteen .
19 Andy was fourteen , I 'd just turned thirteen and was proud of my new status as a teenager ( and , as usual , of the fact that for the next couple of months I was only a year younger than Andy ) .
20 I 'd just turned on to York Way when I spotted the two city gents who 'd been drinking in the pub .
21 God , I was nearly in an accident last night , that reminds me , coming , I 'd just turned off the Wrexham road , er going along the Paisword one
22 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
23 The artist had fussed around while the thing was being loaded on my ship , babbling about how important it was and how delicate it was and so on , until I 'd just stopped listening .
24 I 'd just wanted to be somewhere where people knew what they were doing .
25 ‘ Mother of God , I 'd just struck you .
26 I 'd just phoned it through and people started ringing up saying you know somebody 's mother tells me and can you come and do our son because he wants to do this and Yes sure .
27 I 'd just met this medium — how could she have known this ? ’
28 ‘ But Mrs Aitken told me I 'd just missed him , so I got her to make me a cup of coffee . ’
29 The big one looked down at me as if I 'd just crawled out from under .
30 I 'd just made rather a good job of denting his back bumper . ’
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