Example sentences of "[pron] have [be] that " in BNC.

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1 yes , and I , I do n't know whether I 've been that way , I honestly do n't know right then , so you 're all systems go , that 's the main thing
2 The only enjoyable memory that I have is that of the instructor , a tall man with dark hair and a quiet nature vault a large gate in one bound and coming sprinting towards me to see what was the matter .
3 But this good housekeeping has been swept aside by the latest wave of IRA terrorism aimed at commercial targets on the mainland , one of the repercussions of which has been that , from 1 January this year , landlords and/or tenants have been required to take out a separate insurance policy to cover their buildings against terrorist damage .
4 The pure white drifts of snow against the door of the hut convinced me that nobody had been that way recently .
5 Lucy was weeping as she had been that afternoon .
6 Later , much later , Kelly was to reflect on how lucky she had been that day .
7 The truth shall set you free , but oh , the truth of her past had not done that — it had simply shown her what a selfish , unthinking thing she had been that first Terry Rourke , and then Havvie Blaine could have exploited her so .
8 ‘ Oh , she 's been that in her time too . ’
9 The only history we have is that which is made by historians .
10 Another concern we have is that special employment and training measures , ( now catering for over 31,000 people in the North ) , have become a substitute for jobs — a way of reducing the official unemployment statistics and complementing the massive statistical fraud which those figures now represent .
11 So that 's why there 'd been that electric air of haste pervading the whole episode .
12 She had helped to pick up all the things spilt from the bag , but there had been that look in her eye just before — a familiar look , contempt , indifferently hidden .
13 There had been that horrible murder on the A3 only this year .
14 Little more than a year earlier there had been that never-to-be-forgotten encounter at the inn .
15 There had been that heat , that fierceness like a scorchmark .
16 And there had been that brief time in the Wolfwood — I wo n't remember it ! thought Fenella , but she did remember it .
17 And there had been that other message … she had rung Cartier to speak to someone called Michael Watney , only to be told that there was no-one called Michael Watney working there , and did she mean Michael Courteny , and if so , would she hold on ?
18 There had been that unfortunate controversy in the local Press with the manager of the Palladium , when he had been compelled , under pressure from his bishop , to issue a statement to the effect that all films were not necessarily harmful in the eyes of the Church .
19 There were more seagulls than there had been that morning , on the cliffs and on the sea itself .
20 Always , in the background , in the dim recesses of her mind , there had been that niggling doubt .
21 I 've gone home at nights with clothes drenched with sweat from head to foot and the wife has had to pull my socks off , they 've been that wet inside my boots .
22 He had left her and gone to live with an upper-class woman , had soared to the opposite end of the scale from Josie , whose attraction for him had been that of a splenetic victim from the lower depths of the goyim : but Josie had refused a divorce and the ordeal had dragged on .
23 I doubt if they have any better cards in now , cos all they had was that
24 And it has been that way for five seasons .
25 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
26 It became a decisive and dangerous piece of initiative and the escaper got the credit of it having been that all the time .
27 If only it had been that nice John Smith , with his twinkling accountant 's eyes and trust-me smile .
28 On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam , and far fuller than it had been that morning .
29 There was the usual bawdy banter , of course , and it had been that way ever since she first put on her white apron and began serving behind the counter .
30 Medical men had perforce to be botanists , and often gardeners as well , and in time medical knowledge came to be the perquisite of the European religious orders , as it had been that of the priests in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs .
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