Example sentences of "[pron] and [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stop em and have the stuff on them .
2 All of us are very good at blaming ourselves if things go wrong and feeling upset , but we must be fair with ourselves and take the credit when things go well .
3 ‘ We can exert ourselves and win the battle for funding for the Highlands and Islands .
4 Its methods may improve our understanding of our patients and ourselves and form the basis for behavioural changes , on which reduction of the risks of the disease still largely depend .
5 Living is never an exact science and we invariably over reach ourselves and destroy the balance of things .
6 Our young people deserve honesty from ourselves and have a right to it from the Church .
7 Somehow we break through the barrier of mental blocks with which we tend to limit ourselves and find a greater freedom of both performance and attitude .
8 Much of the exercise was done in front of a mirror so that he could see for himself and correct the sag on the right side where his ribs had been removed .
9 It used to hurt me that an African who was considered good enough to hand the cement to the man to lay the bricks could n't get the opportunity to lay the bricks himself and become a qualified tradesman . "
10 All the different interest groups have suddenly been allowed to come out into the open and in some cases it is a question of each for himself and damn the rest . ’
11 According to his professor , he was thorough and conscientious rather than brilliant , taking his studies very seriously since he wanted both to improve himself and gain a qualification for when he finished playing .
12 ( a ) The sub-contractor is encouraged to measure the work himself and submit a detailed account to the surveyor together with any daywork sheets signed by the general foreman .
13 What is wrong with the solipsist 's language is not that there is no community to control it ; Robinson Crusoe can talk to himself and keep a diary on his desert island .
14 He resigned himself and let the car drift back to a comfortable fifty-yard gap .
15 Believing that all he had to do was crown himself and slay the princes , Malekith marched into the sacred flame , confident that like his father before him he could endure the ordeal .
16 It seems to me that he ca n't be that unhappy because he 's currently managing twelve vacancies deliberately , in order to produce underspend so that he can re-surface his car park , maintain privileged restaurants for his erm , senior officers , chauffeur driven car for himself and build a new hangar for his helicopter .
17 One of the things he was NEVER NEVER allowed to do , the most exciting of them all , was to go out through the garden gate all by himself and explore the world beyond .
18 It could only make for bad blood between the Li clan and himself and shatter the age-old ties between their families .
19 It took several moments for him to orientate himself and wipe the sleep from his eyes .
20 Our rambling sketcher did n't , alas , go in himself and record the young phenomenon with his pencil ; but he waited while a French cavalryman paid his penny farthing , entered the caravan , and emerged mouthing ‘ some very choice Norman phraseology ’ .
21 Whisk the egg which and add a flew drops of flavouring & colouring .
22 Which one was the real Luke Calder : the hard , tough businessman who would stop at nothing and spare no one to get what he wanted , or that tender stranger she 'd just had a glimpse of ?
23 An individual might build a local paper from nothing and retain the ownership intact .
24 But there was always them as just wanted to come and do nothing and pick the money up and that 's what they had to sort out the firms .
25 Particularly when good applicants are in short supply advertisements placed in Teachers ' Centres and nearby colleges , faculties and institutes of education cost nothing and improve the trawl .
26 A stack of OHP foils , on the other hand , can be run off on your laser printer for virtually nothing and have a number of significant advantages .
27 He did this both to frighten me and amuse the Queen .
28 As soon as it 's light , my old school chums Finlayson , Richards and Callaghan will come with me and patrol the area Roeux-Riencourt .
29 A powerful electric current would pass through me and launch a surge of excitement : something wonderful awaited me .
30 You shall come with me and write a model report . ’
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