Example sentences of "[pron] and [det] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps no other way will I and all the rest of us have the freedom and justice and equality that is ours by right .
2 Why should I and all the other taxpayers have to fund it ?
3 Now , that loving counted for nothing and all the sweet promises they had made were empty words that floated like echoes in a great grey void .
4 Me and all the other old ducks , ’ I muttered to myself .
5 ‘ But when the pair of youse has got enough sense you can fight them off for me and all the damn priests and nuns they 'll bring along with them . ’
6 " I did a Viva in Oxford , just me and all the dons , all , in robes and furred gowns , and me with a blackboard explaining Milton 's English and Latin words .
7 I stood there with a mop at the side , and he sort of looked at me and all the water the came in !
8 They sat on a bench in the Flower Walk , the beautifully tended beds laid out for them and all the tulips listening attentively , and Maggie broke the rule of her lifetime and told Hermione about Fenna .
9 I extend greetings to them and all the authors present at the 1988 Writers Internationale in London , where this novel was conceived .
10 Anyone who had had that knew a bit about the Treasury and knew a little bit about fighting back and working round them and all the rest of it and of giving orders direct to the Chancellor and saying , ‘ Look , this is what we must have ’ , and then getting the Cabinet to back it , so that it was harder for the Treasury to say ‘ No . ’
11 Adam thought of himself and Rufus as being wild and laid-back at the same time , equally like that , young adventurers with all the world before them and all the time they wanted to do what they liked with .
12 Jeremy : He told his girl-friend about them and all the faults they had made .
13 He is human and so is she and all the marriage certificates in the world would not keep him faithful if he were tempted in those circumstances . ’
14 And you beat me every time , do n't you , you and all the people like you , Kegan ?
15 God 's plan for introducing himself to people in your school involves YOU and all the other Christians in your school in starring roles .
16 Thank you and all the other rhymesters , including those who thought that kettle is a watch because it rhymes with metal !
17 I know you were proud to give Anne away , and I 'd love to be with you and all the family , but we only have two days ’ leave .
18 Er i this is why it 's important that you mix with people , that you get out and about , because if you find that everybody else is , is getting up the hill faster than you and everybody else is crossing the roads quicker than you and all the rest of it , it should tell you something , now I mean I do n't even want to go into competition but I think it is good occasionally to see if you can walk as fast as that eighteen year old in front of you .
19 You see the son and the father and you and all the names
20 We are relying on you and all the other volunteers around the U K in your contacts with the public to help make this year a success .
21 Yeah , anyway , yeah , he still wants to be friends with you and all the rest of it oh I do you know Paul , he 'll change his mind tomorrow I mean you have , kind of changed your mind have n't you ?
22 for when every commandment of the law had been declared by Moses to all the people , he took the blood of calves and goats , with water and scarlet wool and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people , saying , ‘ This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you . ’
23 Pleas 'd with itself and all the World beside ,
24 Mr Richter was so smitten by Mr Cliburn 's talent , and so bored by the competition ( 1958 was the last time he ever served as judge for anything ) , that he decided to give the talented American pianist the top score of 25 for everything and all the other contestants a zero for everything .
25 because they 've sold everything off like gas and electricity and everything and all the resources they 've got for it they 've spent , to supplement everything else , so the money wo n't be there , and , and the income from the electricity and that is n't going to the Government it 's going to private enterprise
26 And then they go and burn everybody and all the , and anti-Nazis where they
27 So I 'd check him out , and that 's how it went with him and all the others .
28 So the researcher went to Birmingham to meet him and all the time he was talking to the patients , she was thinking , ‘ We 've got to go ! ’
29 ‘ I 've heard so many stories about him and all the good he did , and my dad was delighted when he found I was working with Sarah because she was his granddaughter . ’
30 Robbie could n't tell what he was thinking , but her mind was only on the goal ahead , some private spot where their lovemaking could be renewed , where she could give herself up to him and all the promised delights his body offered hers .
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