Example sentences of "[pron] and [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , I began to develop different sorts of friendships , no longer based on silliness or naughtiness , but on joint and genuine attempts at co-operation and to understand not only the syllabus but ourselves and life in general .
2 May this Helper be yours and mine in the same trying hour !
3 who had an estate and there were St Trinian 's incidentally er , inciden that 's where the name came from for the books and friend of theirs and relation of his wrote the book I do n't know , something like that , and anyhow eventually I got
4 He found himself making imploring promises to God then retreated into hating himself and Maxim of course .
5 The profession of a man should always be equal to the support of himself and family in a decent way .
6 He had been talked into editing the Complete Poems and Plays as early as 1959 , with the blessing of the present Lord Ash , an elderly Methodist peer who was a descendant of a remote cousin of Ash himself and heir to the ownership of the unsold manuscripts .
7 It would not take the Regent long to ride there , but the displaying of himself and party in the quite large township and before the castle itself could take time ; and coaxing Balliol and his people out , if successful , might take longer still .
8 The operation of the mythic DNA affects not only Shakespeare 's plots but contemporary history as he interpreted it ; so chaste women wronged by their boar-driven husbands include not only such fictional figures as Hero in Much Ado About Nothing and Imogen in Cymbeline , but also Katherine of Aragon ( in Henry VIII ) .
9 Otley on the sofa next to me and Elinor on the floor leaning against him .
10 I ran two personal bests , 10.33 seconds for the 100 metres and 20.79 seconds for the 200 , which was further encouragement for me and compensation for the traumas I had suffered on the West London track throughout the long , cold , seemingly never-ending winter .
11 About me and Dad to be precise . ’
12 goodbye , see you tomorrow at six AM , well goodbye from me and goodbye from him , and ta ra too
13 ‘ I think Gran might have demanded the money because she thought I had a right to it , but it was for love of me and despair at our poverty — her kind of rough justice . ’
14 If I whistled , it would come back to me and rest on my shoulder again .
15 Should have seen me and mum in the loft then .
16 We had a Morris 8 , and my Dad would drive me and Mom into the town centre to do the week-end shopping .
17 I am not looking for , or expecting , sympathy , but as I have selflessly ridden through the valley of the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League Division Three , I have taken abuse to the left of me and phlegm to the right .
18 They exclaimed and condoled , with — once I had assured them that nothing serious had happened to my brother — a rather charming mixture of sympathy for me and pleasure in the excitement of the news .
19 Yet I did not know which to trust : the splintered yet separately concrete vision of myself each man offered me which was the product of his necessary fantasy ; or the amorphous , difficult to establish whole self which struggled to say that his vision of me and mine through his , had distorted it .
20 ‘ He said if I 'd done exactly what he told me , and there were no tricks , he 'd contact me and hand over his evidence , and he would n't bother me any more . ’
21 Additionally , there are qualification requirements based on the citizenship or domicile of the creator ( or his employer or commissioner ) of the topography or the person by whom and country in which semiconductors containing the topography are first marketed .
22 She wanted to prod them and gaze into their eyes to check they were n't real .
23 They would come sometimes for my birthday , or at Christmas , and my mother , whose material circumstances were very much more comfortable than those of my father and his new family , would patronise them and condole with my stepmother on my father 's drinking habits and the undisciplined weeping of her little boy .
24 Prior to the 1970s , the penal system could plausibly legitimate itself by claiming as its raison d'être the rehabilitation of offenders , the provision of training and treatment which would cure them of their criminality , benefiting both them and society as a whole .
25 It was a sound they knew , one often heard at night from within the dark walls of the cottages in the village , but out here it was around them and with them and part of them and it had an eerie quality as though inside the vixen some diabolic spirit was entrapped , a demon screeching its despair .
26 If America were to break its commitments to them and head into orbit with the Russians , there would be a fair-sized row .
27 My instructions were badly translated , so I soon had to abandon them and struggle on my own .
28 The popularity of programme types did not change much , although there was always great variation within them and overlap between them .
29 And would had to make food for them and stuff like that ?
30 British golfers such as Nick Faldo and Ian Woosnam were sweeping all before them and golf in Britain looked set to boom .
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