Example sentences of "[pron] and [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah that 's a big and my and that stuck out the bucket like that , well going over the top we had a hood over the top tumbler to stop the flashing , so my father stopped , thinking that was a bit of wood and were gon na break the top of the tumbler , so he stop and out and scrubbed it and found that was this bone and I think if my memory serve me right that 's in the , the Fleet Museum now .
2 ‘ Obviously it 's hard work , ’ she adds , ‘ but it really struck a chord with me and that made it seem easy .
3 ‘ I 'd rear up on players if they said anything and footballers are n't the bravest people in the world , so they used to think twice before they said anything to me and that helped me . ’
4 But all Frank had to do was speak against them and that made an end .
5 The FMLN also claimed that aid from international organizations was being prevented from reaching them and that captured FMLN members were now being held as political prisoners .
6 anyway we left them and and said
7 She always insisted on doing it herself and that made it easy for you .
8 ‘ Barry Horne worked very hard alongside him and that allowed Ian to do the ball work .
9 So he fought with him and and took his stick from him and gave him a whack on the head and he dropped , and the story goes he says we 'll go home now lads .
10 Staying was the point ; they stayed there with her and that enabled her to stay there with them .
11 She tolerated my mother because the children loved her and that left her free , d' you see ? ’
12 He did n't really mind which one , the Hallé would do for a start , but he had n't the faintest idea how to go about it and nor had anyone else .
13 Oxford did all the attacking but Luton did all the scoring … it only took one goal to win it and that came from Ceri Hughes midway through the first half …
14 Tweed , the Liberal election agent , ‘ knew … that it was not illness or the tedium of a long convalescence which kept him out , but that his heart was not in it and that confronted with the serried ranks of vested interests which compose this new Government , his sympathies were as always with the bottom dogs … '
15 And it let an old house alongside with nothing in it and hardly a door on it and that stood right alongside of that one and it must have been like a comb it just must have gone in strips the gale for that house was now twelve foot away from the other one .
16 My wife Tracey went to evening classes to learn about it and that proved very helpful .
17 And well I remember hearing about it and and saw it probably as I grew up myself .
18 Er anyway as I say er I realized when I 'd started talking er that I was digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself so I er I climbed out of it and and made an exit .
19 And we used to have what they call er a stick and goos it used to I remember we used to have sti what you call stick and goos It was like a great long thing like that and you used to have a stick and it used to be on the floor and you just tap it and and hit it like that and it goes
20 so the second level of using theory was to actually begin to find out what I could do to help myself and that threw me into the middle of ‘ what is knowledge ? ’
21 This morning there were three cars besides myself and that frightened me to death being a trader .
22 What and that fell on the floor ?
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