Example sentences of "[pron] be [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Among them are millions of our fellow Christians ; but whether they are Christian or Muslim or whatever , they are fellow human beings and made in the image and likeness of God — and we have a responsibility for them .
2 ‘ Ah yes , when it comes to that , Violette and I are two of a kind , ’ he said with mock mournfulness .
3 I am 27 for God 's sake and am not into all that . ’
4 I am one of what must be an increasing number who find the portentous moralisings of A. Solzhenitsyn a bore and an irritation .
5 I am one of those people ’ , he has said in the past , ’ who must take exercise not only to be able to give of my best , but just to survive — I mean , I ca n't function without it .
6 I must admit I really enjoyed working with him , and we did tracks like ‘ The Laughing Gnome ’ and I have to say , I am one of the gnomes on that record and am responsible for some of the terrible jokes on it as well .
7 ‘ I know what the public wants because I am one of them . ’
8 ATTENTIVE READERS of this column will know already that I am one of this country 's leading authorities on ‘ celebrology ’ — this is the study of the role of the celebrity in general elections .
9 I am one of a mere 60,000 , a small proportion of the childbearing population .
10 I should explain here that I am one of two brothers — and that my elder brother , Leonard , was killed during the Southern African War while I was still a boy .
11 I suppose I am one of those people with drive , I was always the one who started the groups . ’
12 I am one of those people whose money burns a hole in the pocket whenever anything promising arrives on the market .
13 Normally I am one of the happiest people in the team .
14 I am one of many who saw the appointment of Dr Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury as a prophetic choice for England .
15 I am one of the lucky ones whose interest is in catfish , particularly those of South America .
16 But I am one of the lucky ones .
17 Some people like committees and organising , others do n't , and I am one of the latter .
18 I am one of those Labour voters who supports the Scotland United initiative .
19 I AM one of the thousands of parents who have worn out their shoe leather and their patience in a vain search for the Thunderbirds toys made by Matchbox .
20 ‘ Somebody printed that I am one of the richest women in England .
21 Also from a like-minded member of a large family , all of whom intend DIY funerals : ‘ I am one of eight children .
22 I am one of the greatest writers of the century .
23 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
24 I AM ONE OF MANY mountaineers who owe a great debt of gratitude to international climber and outdoor gear retailer Graham Tiso .
25 ‘ Yes , he had a lot of very strong , incredibly positive influences on many artists , and I am one of those artists , although I never exchanged two words with him .
26 And now I am one of them , Nuadu thought .
27 As a 19 year-old student , I presume I am one of these .
28 After all , he reflected , I am one of the few people in the world who is n't worth blackmailing .
29 And now I am one of the unemployed .
30 I am one of them , white or at least sky-grey , with pub rug , and ashen arm on the Fiasco doorjamb , unsmiling at the traffic light , fat-brained with abuse — but holding money .
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