Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 How does the Minister react to the case , of which I have informed her right hon. Friend the Secretary of State , in which home help provision was withdrawn from an elderly couple , both of whom are severely and progressively disabled ?
2 They are Mr Sisulu , Andrew Mlangeni , Raymond Mhlaba , Ahmed Kathrada and Elias Motsoaledi , all of whom are more than 60 years old .
3 The presence of incomers was presented as the most immediate and tangible aspect of the general threat to the Shetland ‘ Way of Life ’ Although Shetland is reputed to be something of a melting pot , given the many different influxes of people over the centuries ( one native council official saw the typical Shetlanders as a bit of a ‘ mongrel ’ ) , these incomers were presumed to be somewhat different : most of them are here because their jobs brought them here ( those who are not here because of their jobs are eccentric ! ) , their stay will be temporary , there are more of them , they represent mainstream and hence dominant ways of life , they regard Shetlanders as peasants or country hicks .
4 The Earth is included because though only a few tens of impact craters are known , all of them are less than 500 Ma old and thus constitute recent cratering .
5 But they and the families which ran them are now as much a part of local history as pits and shipbuilding .
6 Oh well might have perhaps will you have a spare day No I want to go out for a meal No , but I been home but at dinner time just .
7 You are not alone as I am just as confused myself .
8 I am here because I was asked to come by Claudia .
9 I am here because I live here , but why are you here ? ’
10 I am here because you have a legacy from your father .
11 I am here because you can not manage without me , and I know it . ’
12 I am here because you belong to me . ’
13 I am here because I choose to be , ’ she said sharply , despite the rapid race of her pulse .
14 What happens when I extend this approach from myself , as I am here and now , to other persons , places and times ?
15 For the chinless chap in his chalk-stripe blue suit , strolling to wherever he performs the daily ritual of being ‘ something in the City ’ , or the geezer negotiating the early morning traffic in from Romford in his late model Ford and Italian sweatshirt , their individual style says clearly : I am here and this is where I want to be , you can tell exactly what and where that is from looking at me .
16 I say I will use it while I am here and give it back when I go .
17 I am here and this husband of yours is not .
18 ‘ Fortunately I am here and therefore I can save you a trip , Bernard . ’
19 ‘ Well , now that I am here and can have the tale formally , direct from the prior , it 's for me to join him in sending word to the bishop .
20 I would n't be where I am today if I could n't hold my own in a dog-eat-dog world .
21 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
22 His Ford Sierra Cosworth was taken from a hotel car park in Chester on the eve of the event and he said : ‘ I am utterly and totally hacked off .
23 I see the future , plan the Universe , save mankind ; I am utterly and completely immortal ; I am even male and female .
24 He got my eyes , not my colouring but he 's fairly blinky is n't he , watching the telly , well I am anyway and
25 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
26 I was a bigger rogue then than I am now but Benjamin was as different as chalk from cheese .
27 I am now considering planting another small group in one of the paddocks and have chosen a group of native hawthorn which are quickgrowing and suit any soil or position and can be trained as standard trees .
28 FORMER tennis champion Bjorn Borg — being sued for £400,000 — claimed yesterday : ‘ I am more or less bankrupt . ’
29 I am more or less a consultant to them . ’
30 I am more and more intrigued , every minute , ’ Catherine said .
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