Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But I want really , in conclusion , to jump straight to the central part of the poem in which the ways of God to man , got to me are most clearly justification 's most clearly involved , and that is the actual process of the fall .
2 There is the unity of the moment : different tactile and proprioceptive sensations amount to a coherent body image ; different visual sensations cohere to a visual field ; and sensations from different modalities converge to a general sensory field , an organized moment-by-moment presence of a world , so that the feeling in my hand as I hold a stone , the sight of the sea and the sound of the seagull behind me are all not merely present but co-present .
3 I keep in touch with some people who are still inside — most of the people that were in with me are still there .
4 The long hours — most of his staff are working 18 hours a day — and the pressure are taking their toll on his campaign team , many of whom are clearly very tired .
5 The opponents maintained that the secondary market serves only a tiny fraction of American artists , most of whom are already quite rich .
6 The dignitaries who ride them are scarcely less gorgeously attired .
7 Yes , some of them are nearly round
8 The bands associated with them are rarely very strong , and are sometimes very weak because of the electronic selection rules , but they have been studied extensively , and offer very detailed information about the electronic structures of transition metal derivatives .
9 We all know of the dramatic effects of the venoms of snakes and spiders , the savage stings of wasps and jellyfish and the virulent poisons of scorpions and stingrays , but there are many other examples in the animal kingdom and some of them are even more lethal .
10 The other announcement erm is er Dr has asked me to address some delinquents , no that 's not fair , some er hard working but misguided students erm tt er who are doing a political processes course , a sort of pale imitation of this course , erm probably find none of them are here today , let's , let's , let's , let's , let's b let's not be shy now , is erm is Ian here ?
11 But I wonder some of them are just not used to having boys around .
12 Zamora in Los Angeles is like Murphy in Ireland , ‘ and most of them are just as tough ’ said McCullough 's manager , Matt Tinley after a bout that brought out the best in Wayne .
13 Yeah you see , well when we were looking you see so many and you think ooh that looks nice , ooh that 's nice but some of them are just so squadgy and well nice if you , if that 's how you want to sit
14 Many of them are well off , so the BBC should sort out this anomaly before charging other pensioners for second sets .
15 Some of them are pretty bloody impossible when they arrive .
16 Seven months on , Ford people are admitting as much , just as the clever among them are no longer feigning surprise at our conclusions .
17 There are a total of 14 still-sealed potion bottles and vials here , but most of them are no longer magical due to age , evaporation , or adulteration .
18 Punchy thermals which delight the wings of gliders and do not trouble planes with a bit of weighty metal behind them are no longer conjured up by the morning sun to drive trepid microlight flyers back to earth .
19 Of course , as Dr Staton observed numbers may be diminished not simply by failure to trace couples but because some of them are no longer couples .
20 Similarly , all engineers should seek to ensure that they receive the education and training they need , and that those working for them are also suitably developed .
21 The end of the property boom is another salient factor : with developers in trouble , this is not the time to present Docklands as a paradise for ‘ yuppies ’ , especially since so many of them are also now criticising the environment of Docklands .
22 The animals within them are often closely related and both co-operative and competitive behaviours occur .
23 We are pensioners with no help from Income Support so I want to know why we should pay for these people , a lot of them are much better off than we are and can afford to smoke and drink .
24 What excellent company you keep in recommending Chambers — not all of them are quite politically correct but I 've been after the broadest sweep possible .
25 For what it is worth , most modern biologists would n't find it difficult to explain every one of the Bishop 's 35 examples in terms of the theory of natural selection , although not all of them are quite as easy as the polar bears .
26 and some of them are quite like about seven or
27 The pleasure of long rivers is that no two trips along them are ever even similar .
28 But I think some of them are ever so put on .
29 in the or something , it 's some of them are all over again , start them off of course .
30 I happen to believe that many of them are very well documented , even proved .
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