Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] he " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted he has agreed to the council 's request and sees the need for urgency , ’ he said .
2 An Englishman , if he is going to have an operation in a hospital like that , I am sure he would have at least £5,000 in his pocket .
3 Lord Goodman , Moran 's long-time friend and legal adviser , said : ‘ I am sure he will look after Crosby Hall and take advice . ’
4 I can often discover our different species of Oaks , one from another , by their form of growth , half or a whole mile distance ; and I am sure he must be very sharp-sighted that can know them , at half that distance , by their leaves , acorns , and cups , all together .
5 Without Miss Marsden 's influence , I am sure he would not have agreed to do it . ’
6 ‘ Anyway , I am sure he would not find anyone who would give him such a good time .
7 He adds , and I am sure he is right , that they both have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills , including in the Gulf .
8 The idea of a book each a year from the three editors seemed to calm him and I am sure he realizes that this involves more than reading the one script .
9 I had never asked my guide but if I had I am sure he would have answered , ‘ Machu Picchu — mi madre . ’
10 I am sure he had no idea how lucky he was .
11 For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table , when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him , I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story .
12 By this time , I am sure he was convinced that he was afloat with a lunatic .
13 If Ivanov was a spy , then I am sure he obtained far more strategic information by legitimate methods than he ever did by covert means .
14 I am sure he will give you satisfactory answers . ’
15 Although ‘ in-depth ’ may not be part of Howard Barker 's vocabulary , I am sure he believes his play is far from superficial .
16 I am sure he will make a fine president . ’
17 I am sure he will take all the beating , and the 4–1 available with most firms is worth taking .
18 In the lighthouse field I am sure he will be remembered as having made one of the important inventions .
19 I am sure he will find plenty of things to do , ’ she said .
20 Harold Gale , director of the exclusive club for brainboxes , said : ‘ If our test went above 161 I am sure he would go even higher .
21 I am sure he 'll be in the running for England one day . ’
22 He is going through a dry patch at the moment as he has won only on match in the five tournaments he has played so far this year but I am sure he will work his way back again , he has got it in him .
23 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke said of Mr Major : ‘ I am sure he will retain the leadership for many years to come and he is in the process of emerging from the Government 's present difficulties . ’
24 He is , himself , a passionate woodworker , and I am sure he will want fellow woodworkers to feel happy to approach him with problems , hints or just bits of chat .
25 She hurried on , in case Mrs Whitfield felt obliged actually to answer the question , " But I am sure he 'll say yes . "
26 I am sure he would wish me to marry with someone in our tribe .
27 I am sure he is the toad behind the unprecedented negative media coverage we are getting at the moment .
28 He would n't admit it , but I am sure he did .
29 He has told all he knows , and all he thinks he knows , and I am sure he has kept nothing back .
30 I told him , although it was not true , that the local carabinieri had said he would not remain locked up there for long , but I am sure he did not believe me .
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