Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] one " in BNC.

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1 VOTERS like me are surely one of the reasons why the Conservative Party was returned to power .
2 There may be some people who would like to see you break your neck , but I am not one of them . ’
3 I am not one of these men !
4 She smiled widely as she shook her head , saying , ‘ No , you are not mistaken , sir ; and I am not one of twins .
5 He must have been a remarkable man , because when his aircraft was shot down he lost his right hand but before many months had passed he was back on his squadron with a hook on his right arm , and although I am not one hundred percent sure of my facts here , I believe he went back on operations as a navigator or air gunner .
6 They were grand folk , and it 's because of them that I am not one of the antismoking lobby ( although I have never associated personally with nicotine ) .
7 ‘ Some players might recognise the signs and start to wind down , ’ said Hill , ‘ but I am not one of them .
8 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
9 I am not one of them .
10 That 's a lot of people , Gaby , and I am not one of them . ’
11 I am only one of the many who owe so much to the man . ’
12 I am sure I am only one of many who will sorely miss this happy-go-lucky golfer .
13 I am usually one of the first to try out any new development .
14 I 'm just one of the Star Councillors , but I was n't in the Star Room when you showed them the animal .
15 I 'm just one of them . ’
16 ‘ The medals represent the overall effort of the entire UN peace-keeping force in Bosnia , but nevertheless I 'm deeply honoured to have been recognised in this way , I 'm just one of the fortunate ones . ’
17 I 'm just one of the schoolgirls who e is the girl 's friend .
18 I 'm not one hundred percent sure Derek is really keen .
19 I 'm not one hundred percent keen on meddling with nature , anyway .
20 If there are ordinary people , I 'm not one of them . ’
21 If anybody can make a comeback , he will — and I 'm not one of his great admirers . ’
22 ‘ In fact , I could well see out my career in Italy with Sampdoria because I 'm not one of those players that move around — I was at Forest for ten years . ’
23 Now , I 'm not one of those conversationalists who maintain that the personal should only be approached after arduous circumnavigation .
24 I 'm not one of your working girls ! "
25 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
26 I 'm not one of those men who are terrified by female tears … .
27 I 'm not one of them .
28 Look , I 'm not one of your Lebanese or Cypriots or Iraqi CIs .
29 I 'm not one of your scroungers .
30 I 'm not one of Garry 's women .
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