Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ grounds ’ that most interest me are about 6in beneath those once trod by the aristocrats , so I 'm sure the snobbish doctor 's ghost will tolerate my company for an afternoon .
2 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
3 There are of course exceptions of those who are neither councillors nor magistrates er and are prepared to do these jobs , but there are n't very many in relation to er the numbers of people that would be required for this sort of task and there are many other activities for which there are required , like school governors who like helping on various health bodies and er they have n't got the time to do them all , and if they have , they probably are n't suitable , because I have to my Lords that a lord of people who volunteer for these sorts of tasks and I have experience of them are n't people that locally we would like to have sitting on these various bodies and we have to discourage them one way and another .
4 He concluded his letter : ’ The 6p rise I received means I am approximately £2.50 a week worse off .
5 I am nearly 5ft 11ins tall and should be around 11 stone but barely weigh 9st 7lbs ’ , he complains .
6 I am not Pike .
7 I 'm utterly useless. , ‘ I 'm just a nuisance . ’
8 I 'm not 100% fit yet and my initial aim was just to get through a game , but I 'm not philosophical in that situation .
9 I 'm not naturally slim , and any excess weight I do put on shows because I 'm only 5′ 1″ .
10 ‘ No — I 'm still looking. ,
11 I reckon I 'm about £60 million and six years behind Alex Ferguson . ’
12 I would not do something if I was not 100pc comfortable in what I was doing . ’
13 I was now 6cm dilated .
14 I was now 7cm dilated .
15 Faldo , who took five at the next short hole , added : ‘ I was only 10ft from the flag and I was in a hole .
16 I was once £400 lying in your bank account collecting interest — see how I 've grown .
17 ‘ When I first heard about the Food Addict 's Diet I was about 12st 8lb , ’ says Andrea Smith , 34 , of Harpenden , Hertfordshire , who 's married with two children : Hannah , seven , and Nick , three .
18 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
19 Bank issuers have responded to the non-bank challenge with a blaze of publicity about how they are cutting their own fees , which are typically $20–40 a year , or waiving them for new card-holders in the first year .
20 The term is applied to rugs which are about 8′ ( or two zars ) in length and 5 ′/6; ′ wide ( 2.44 × 1.52/1.83 m ) .
21 This is when the labyrinth is developing and the young babies , which are about 1cm long by this time , are taking their first of air .
22 However , Kenneth Clark , who replied for the government , was not encouraging and seemed to accept the pessimistic view of Neville Trotter , Conservative MP for Tyne mouth , who blamed all the problems on Korean labour costs which were only 20% of those in the UK .
23 There is no separate provision for exhibitions in the V&A 's budget which is approximately £30 million per annum .
24 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
25 Nagging ‘ but … you 've got everything now ’ , ‘ please save your life/because you 've only got one ’ … which is why people give up pop music , in the end .
26 Which is why people delve into the two system start-up files and edit commands out .
27 Yes er we 're going to the drugs squad Dave and I the launch of a new hotline which is where people can report dealers , a little bit sceptical about its success but we 've spent quite a lot on posters and business cards .
28 A pointless research project which I sometimes toy with concerning dogs is rpm , which is not rev/min but Rapid Paw Movement .
29 The rate at which its expectations have been rising strongly suggests that by the end of the year , the figure will be even higher than 40,000 , which is already 12% of the 344,000 with which it started the year .
30 Each month cardholders can either pay off their whole bill , in which case they pay no interest charges and the credit is ‘ free ’ for up to fifty six days ; or they can pay off at least the minimum amount , which is usually 5% or 5 , whichever is the greater .
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