Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] about " in BNC.

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1 Can it market itself more effectively to its potential customers , many of whom are unclear about what factoring is or what it can do for their company ?
2 Many of them are unhappy about current proposals .
3 I 'm sure , but they 're many of them are concerned about their budget because they live off a fixed pension
4 Seventy per cent of them are worried about where they are going to stay on release .
5 But having 22,000 students milling around my city , I am delighted about the Government 's attitude to student discounts and particularly to the student gap , as it is called — the three months which often used to cause problems under the old community charge arrangements .
6 Most such answers imply enjoyment , even ‘ I am interested in it ’ ( which at least suggests the prospect of happy hours of observing , reading , thinking ) ; but ‘ I am curious about it ’ is neutral as far as enjoyment is concerned .
7 If I am right about what the fluke genes are doing , it follows that we can legitimately speak of fluke genes as influencing snail bodies , in just the same sense as snail genes influence snail bodies .
8 If I am right about the masculine character of the women pioneers of agriculture we can see that the fact that the followers of the Phrygian mother-goddess castrated themselves is a nice illustration of Freud 's idea of the ‘ shadow of the object falling on the ego ’ : the ultimate reproach against the new agricultural mother was that she was masculine , and therefore the self-punishment came to fit her crime while confirming the identification with her in the most exact way possible .
9 But whether or not I am right about a Niemecz on paper 60 rpm for the machine 's flywheels , the tempo relationships of the pieces on all three machines ' barrels are a constant and it is interesting to see that the tempo range for pieces either minuet-like in character or specifically called minuets ( in available manuscripts or because of the music 's original sources ) roughly corresponds to the ranges of minuet tempos metronomized by Hummel and Czerny for Mozart and by Czerny for Haydn .
10 I am uncertain about my future as at the moment it seems we do n't have a manager . ’
11 ‘ But I am depressed about the usual attitude in schools .
12 But I am sure about one thing .
13 But the best reason , and the one I am sure about , is that I 'll kill you if you do n't . ’
14 ‘ That 's the one thing I am sure about . ’
15 I am unhappy about Europe , about the recession — talk about hating the one you love — and I think the NHS would be more efficient under Labour , their baby after all .
16 The existing station passed most criteria , although I am unhappy about the unsecured wiring , which uses extension leads .
17 What I am certain about is that there is a long term future for this cinema and that we 're aware
18 I am glad that he is to reply , because I am confident about his knowledge of this large subject .
19 I feel good , I like the circuit and I am confident about everything now .
20 I am sad about that .
21 ‘ In Holland if coaches do n't do well they get the sack , so I am philosophical about the matter .
22 My views on these systems are open at the moment , but I must admit that , like many , I am dubious about the claims of many similar products .
23 I am dubious about their confidence that British industry is already experienced in a wide range of PWR work , and has technical and manufacturing competence at the levels ready to receive successfully the transfer of information specific to PWR components .
24 He has visited Britain several times but he has never been even close to being caught and I am pleased about that .
25 ‘ On the international scene , I am pleased about my Eire qualification .
26 I am sorry about this , ’ begins the driver 's voice .
27 He said , nicely , " I am sorry about not going out painting tonight , Alice .
28 I am sorry about that young man .
29 I am sorry about what happened …
30 I am sorry about the late arrival of our response which is partly due the time involved in consulting member organisations .
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