Example sentences of "[pron] be often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I am often asked whether I approve of cosmetic surgery — and I do not .
2 I am often asked for this but it is difficult to obtain .
3 I am often asked to lead seminars on a topic which has been chosen for me and has a ti tie like ‘ coming to terms with our own mortality ’ .
4 I am often asked just how fast the Augusta greens are .
5 I am often asked what skills children have to learn that are specifically drama skills .
6 I am often asked why Christians name that black day of Jesus ' death ‘ GOOD ’ Friday .
7 I am often asked why I go night fishing , and it is too easy to say it is because my chances of catching big fish are greatly increased at night .
8 I am often asked what if I had an accident or I collapsed and there was no one around to help .
9 I am often asked what makes a good day for bolting rabbits , bearing in mind that on some occasions they will readily leave the ground regardless of surface conditions , whereas at other times — often under what appear to be favourable conditions — they just can not be budged .
10 I am often asked if exercise is essential to weight loss .
11 What next , I am often asked — well , the latest ‘ Knitting revolution ’ is the use of the computer for designing fabrics and garments .
12 I am often asked the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist .
13 I am often asked how , with Biros vanishing as often as they do , is it possible for some writers to get so much down on paper in a single lifetime ?
14 I am often congratulated when I draw a map for someone of how to reach somewhere
15 I 'm often asked if I get sick of making presentations and signing autographs but I always answer by saying that the time to worry is when no-one wants me to do these things .
16 I 'm often asked ‘ Could n't we have done this ourselves without Doctus ? ’
17 Er I 'm often asked what it was like to live in those eventful days and as Colonel just said well , you used to make an awful lot of noise .
18 I 'm often sought out , ’ he said .
19 They wake you at five a.m. , which is when I 'm often going to bed , and you 're so knackered by mid-morning that you doze all day . ’
20 My father , my mother and I were often asked to spend Sunday afternoons in the country , but sometimes , unless a horse and cart were sent to collect us , we could not go because the families who invited us lived too far away .
21 As a result , I was often wasting my time during our first few flying sessions .
22 When I tried asking the girls I interviewed about them I was often met with a shrug , or a short ‘ no problem ’ reply , as if periods were nothing at all , of no significance , and certainly none to a book on looks , fashion and body-image .
23 I was often called Hamlet because I so resembled my father 's appearance in his most famous film , the ‘ Coronation ’ Hamlet , so named because it had been released in Coronation year .
24 I myself have five children and in England this raises an eyebrow , but in Kenya I was often asked would I be having another soon .
25 ‘ ¿Qué te parece Peru ? — How does Peru appear to you ? — was a question I was often asked .
26 I was able to visit her several times and then , in my capacity as literary editor of New Hungarian Quarterly , I was often sent to make contact with poets in America and so on .
27 I was often to think of them when I reflected on the career of Portia Forbes .
28 I do n't think even the leaders know what it means ’ , I was often told .
29 We are used to it ’ , I was often told but their susceptibility to colds and other illnesses indicated otherwise .
30 Physics , I was often told , was a ‘ general degree ’ , one which opened up a range of possibilities ; it was also , many students said , ‘ one of the best degrees you can get ’ .
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