Example sentences of "[pron] be being [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I says two of them , now I 'm being she already had a dinner
2 But I 'm being I 'm not admitting the patient or anything after
3 There 's a little tiny bit to tinker with , but it 's not if we were to , we , we 're canvassing at pressed about altering the length of the lunchtime break to break it down from an hour and a half and an hour and a quarter to an hour and a quarter to an hour which is being we would save some money on not paying our
4 Sorry , information was wrong there , but nevertheless you 're near the top of the tree in trying to help get more nursery places in the county and you know that you 're being you may have the best intentions , but you do n't have the facilities to do very much about it .
5 It 's being it is being prescribed t for huge numbers of people , it 's being promoted as a very safe drug , it 's a very profitable drug , and we already know that it causes a very large number of quite serious side effects .
6 If they come up with a question maybe just find out what 's being it erm not just reaction to a particular behaviour , but asking them how the feeling , you know maybe pointing to the bit in their body that 's actually feeling butterflies or whatever and trying to help them to express the fears and , more importantly , to make them concrete in terms of play , drawing , or acting it out .
7 erm like you we read the first passage and it was kind of what 's what 's all this about if you was n't in the room and you did n't know what was being you have n't got a clue what was going on because it does n't tell you , but the rest of the sections that put down they do give a sort of brief analysis
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