Example sentences of "[pron] be to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think every , all the benefits should definitely be means tested , I know that most of them are to a degree .
2 There are vast differences between the two , of course ; but not all of them are to the latter 's credit .
3 Molecular evidence has shown that the old concept of great apes ( family Pongidae ) , as distinct from humans ( family Hominidae ) , is no longer valid because the African apes and humans are more closely related to each other than any of them are to the orang-utan .
4 I been to the country once with Annie .
5 I am much more sympathetic to that proposal than I am to the opt-out proposal advanced by the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland ( Mr. Wallace ) .
6 I be to the I get five ?
7 ’ My leftie grandchildren think I 'm to the right of Genghis Khan , but I really believe that you have to show people you ca n't do this sort of thing and get away with it , ’ she says .
8 If I WERE to a take a bath I would not turn both taps fully on since this is bound to result in a freezing cold bath .
9 Her religious sensibility is much nearer to that of the affective Franciscan devotion just as his is to the Dominican tradition of speculative thought .
10 Eventually I reach the road and follow it to its top , surprised by how close I was to the summit of the pass .
11 I was surprised to discover , now that I was going to leave it , just how attached I was to the undistinguished piecrust that was Reine , a place neither exciting nor dulling .
12 So perfect , I had to keep parting the hop bines and leaves to see how close I was to the farmhouse .
13 I should like to say how grateful I was to the kind gentleman who pulled me clear .
14 Acceptance of an authority can be an act of identification with a group because it can be naturally regarded as expressing trust in the person or institution in authority and a willingness to share the fortunes of the group which are to a large extent determined by the authority .
15 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
16 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
17 In reality , many companies operate in conditions which are to a greater or lesser extent uncompetitive .
18 To the extent that talking and trying hard to talk for less time and have more tasks to do which are to a certain extent self-explanatory , rather than having long involved tasks which two or three get on with and the rest opt out .
19 There were also significant correlations with the actual accident statistics , r(1064)=0.142 , average weekday traffic flow , r(1064)=0.236 , accident estimate , r(1064)=0.278 , the time spent at the junction , r(1064)=0.246 , the number of vehicles visible in the film , r(1064)=0.201 , and the average speed at the junction , r(1064)=-0.118 , all of which are to a large degree measures of how much would actually have been happening at the junction .
20 As Therborn ( 1979 : 35 ) says , ‘ in the historical course of the class struggle , the state apparatuses come to crystallize determinate social relations and thus assume a material existence , efficacy and inertia which are to a certain extent independent of current state policies and class relations ’ .
21 The issues addressed are those which are to the fore in the care and education of couples during pregnancy , childbirth and the neonatal period .
22 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
23 They are concerned with a statutory form of control rather than the common law , and did not mention the House of Lords ' decisions which are to the contrary .
24 In practice the employer must show two things : ( a ) the existence of trade connections which are to an extent " special " to him ; and ( b ) that the employee is or will be in a position to take advantage of those special trade connections .
25 It seemed , in that brilliant silence , to be flinging open all the pores and cells of its being to the Light that poured into it .
26 The treatment and definition of enemies are matters forthcoming from the domain of ‘ the political ’ , which is to a large extent a male domain .
27 Now I , they could , erm one thing that I found b b b b picked up from doing my own reading and studying was that it 's always good to go through with the customer step by step which is to a certain extent what we do do
28 which is to the detriment of the victim because he or she can not comply with it ; and
29 It is only by putting some distance between himself and them that he can discharge his prime responsibility , which is to the country : decisions taken in the House of Commons affect all of us .
30 Biohome is a new sintered glass media which is to the best of our knowledge only the second available in the UK .
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