Example sentences of "[pron] be here [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bowls with the remains of their dessert figs , prunes and olives still in them are here on show .
2 I think I been here with Marie .
3 I spoke to Kevin on the phone yesterday but sadly he has chosen this weekend to go home to Dunsteld , when Mark & I are here at Drumstinchall .
4 I am here to — ‘
5 I am here for about a fortnight whilst you settle in .
6 I am here for one year .
7 Sub-text : ‘ I am here for you , to act as a sounding board expressing empathy .
8 ‘ What I am here for today is something completely different .
9 I took courage , stopped , looked my questioner straight in the eye and said , ‘ I come from Fontanellato by tram and I am here for the same reason as you are .
10 " I am here for the by-election , Mrs Adeane .
11 I am here for the truth ! ’
12 Apart from the ( very ) occasional disagreement with the teachers I think that I quite like school as I am here for my own benefit .
13 But I am here with you !
14 In fact I am here on his behalf — to ask a favour . ’
15 Manson 's hand-picked ‘ death squad ’ for this murderous mission was made up of Susan Atkins , Patricia Krenwinkiel , Linda Kasabian ( who would later turn witness for the prosecution at the controversial trial that followed ) and Tex Watson who , when asked by a terrified Frykowski who he was , calmly replied , ‘ I am the devil , and I am here on the devil 's business . ’
16 I am here on more important business , however . ’
17 ‘ But I am here on the orders of Sir John Cranston , coroner of the city .
18 I am here on behalf of the Guild of Merchants and Traders , ’ said Rerpf evenly .
19 I am here on my own account .
20 I am here on the Lord Cardinal 's express orders , ’ Benjamin repeated .
21 I am here at the request of the English court and they , like Philip IV , are interested in any information we can send . ’
22 I am here at the gate alone … ‘
23 Worship me for I am here among you .
24 Watson , for whom The Mirror helped raise £150,000 in a special appeal night in July , is being cared for in an East London neurological rehabilitation unit , added : ‘ I am here until next March — it 's driving me crazy because I want to make a comeback .
25 I am here in duty bound to assist Sir John . ’
26 Now that I am here in Cape Town , I realize more than ever how vitally necessary it is to study down here .
27 And if it comes to that , how can I be here at all if I have n't been born yet ?
28 thought I might ask you while I 'm here about
29 No one knows I 'm here except Huey Carmichael .
30 As she handed him the cup of tea her tone changed : ‘ Not that I 'm against joking , but everything in its place ; when I 'm here with Aunt Lizzie , we chaff each other , but … but not all the time . ’
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