Example sentences of "[pron] be take [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A feature common to all these competitive models to which I am taking exception is their exclusion of the entrepreneurial element from the analysis .
2 I am taking responsibility for my life .
3 I am taking action which I am sure is responsible and necessary .
4 and if they think I 'm taking part in another they must be absolutely joking
5 Cos I 'm taking part in this Norwegian project .
6 No , I 'll tell them first , you know that I 'm taking part in a survey , you know ?
7 I feel I 'm taking advantage .
8 I said , Oh yes , and if you think for one minute I 'm taking pathology forms to your room , I said , you must have had .
9 They 're always , I 'm taking stuff away from them .
10 I 'm taking Fido for a nice walkie because it 's such a nice day .
11 It starts on Wednesday , and , you know , I 'm taking time off from searching for props at the last minute and dress rehearsing to come and talk to you .
12 I 'm taking mummy .
13 I 'm taking biology as well .
14 I 'm taking Start inside , '-she said .
15 People have said , I 'm taking driving lessons , but I never ever want to drive a car again in my life , afterwards .
16 I 'm taking care of you . ’
17 And , while her hopes dropped down to basement level , ‘ Now , ’ he added , ‘ I 'm taking Azor for his walk . ’
18 Well I 'm taking Cough Caps Nurofin the other blue thing and this
19 At Cambridge , NUPE put a picket around the Union building where I was taking part in a debate and the police wanted to take me in by a side entrance .
20 There was such a deep gulf between the stern , dutiful world of my aunt 's upbringing and my schooldays , and the kind of lotus-land I seemed to have fallen into during the last year , that I had sometimes felt , when I bathed my baby or sat giggling in the park with Sophie , that I was taking part , not in real life , but in some wildly unrelated dream .
21 From 1943 onwards he probably did n't miss a single performance in which I was taking part and he must have seen Us in Traviata every time it was done .
22 I felt as if I was taking part in history and the results were spectacular .
23 ‘ I 'd hate you to feel I was taking advantage of your hospitality . ’
24 Only later did Sukarno reveal the full venom of his animosity ( ‘ While I was taking hammer blows on the head his entire underground effort can be summed up by saying he sat quietly and safely away somewhere listening to a clandestine radio ’ ) .
25 So now and this is this one much like while I was taking time off
26 I was containing the threats in written words : I was taking control .
27 In my spare time I was taking boat parties out from Mid Yell , and I ‘ used ’ that animal all summer , rarely failing to find it .
28 I was taking pain killers when I woke up and again at lunch time .
29 Sometime during 1950 , I think before the summer , before the dresses were made , I was taken north to Burnley and into the sheds .
30 I was taken prisoner of war at Saint Valerie for a few of my friends in from Edinburgh who were taken prisoner of war .
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