Example sentences of "[art] not [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 His departure left us on the not very charismatic score of 69 for 6 .
32 Believe it or not one of these is the dirty one one is the not very dirty one and one is the clean one .
33 The not very exacting demands of a theology degree gave him time to make a lot of useful Anglican friends .
34 A similar building , housing the faculty of Theology , was proposed for the other side of the road , but instead we have the not very edifying Intercontinental Hotel of 1974 by K. Filsak .
35 Well he does n't bother to mention that the king also had an official welcome at Carfax , which was the normal place , what was known as the Penniless Bench , which was at the end of St Martin 's Church , only the of that remains at the moment , now , erm and then was presented with the traditional gift of gloves by the mayor , and the not very generous sum of £520 , and just about the same time , Alderman Nixon and 12 others who agreed with him disappeared smartly from Oxford , and were n't to be seen for the rest of the war .
36 The heavy oak furniture , the unused piano , the not very attractive daughter …
37 It does not seem so bad when you first approach the language , and you have grasped the not very difficult ( for Scots especially ) alphabet , although a few less words beginning ‘ vagly ’ would be welcome .
38 He lounged over on the studio lot to deliver the not very perspicacious remark that he was glad to have heard Khrushchev promise the Russians would surpass the Americans because competition was a capitalist idea .
39 In the end , Matza 's argument is not so much an attack on correctionalism as an assertion of the not very original point that , whatever your starting assumption , it is best to keep your mind open to all possibilities ( although he was right to draw attention to the fact that correctionalists had often been guilty of not doing so ) .
40 In such a climate it seems even more suitable to pursue the creation of a radical , insider ethnography and in the not too distant past this even seemed to have official support .
41 A Ferranti spokesman would not give details of the individuals or organisations against which legal action may be taken but said : ‘ We would hope in the not too distant future to take the necessary legal action to put everything right . ’
42 It turned out there were large surpluses in the BTR pension fund and so a good chance that the transfer value , as well as the potential pension , would be increased in the not too distant future .
43 This is an interesting development and if the trend continues , we may see the demise of collateral warranties in the not too distant future .
44 ‘ There must be risks that there could be moves afoot in the not too distant future for the closure of the Petersfield Court .
45 Take advantage of any chance for discussion , especially if you are able to give your employer a date in the not too distant future when you realistically expect to be fit enough to resume work .
46 Time and again a permissive present is contrasted with the not too distant past .
47 This , and similar organisations , may well become agents of environmental change in the not too distant future .
48 In addition , I had hoped to put in motion programmes in 3 separate areas and I hope that they still may be started in the not too distant future .
49 But we 're working on it , so it should be out in the not too distant future . ’
50 I am hoping that ‘ Oh Brother ’ or ‘ Teach In ’ will be about the ribber in the not too distant future !
51 I hope we will be able to run another similar event in the not too distant future . ’
52 The latter is already yielding fresh produce and fresh fruit is expected from the orchard in the not too distant future .
53 It hoped that the involvement of neutral states like Austria , Sweden and Switzerland — all of whom obviously did not see membership as compromising their neutrality — would persuade the Soviet Union that the new association was sufficiently politically innocuous for Finland to be able to join it in the not too distant future .
54 In the not too distant future , at least one of these ages is likely to change as the Government has announced its intention to equalise the State pension age between men and women .
55 However , it thinks some kind of contact will be forged over time and expects a port to the company 's DRS6000 Unix box to materialise in the not too distant future .
56 It is to be hoped , therefore , that , in the not too distant future , these remedies are either developed by the courts , or remodelled by Parliament .
57 It is quite clear that in the not too distant future arrangements will need to be made to enable those with non-graduate qualifications from the University , or with qualifications directly recognised by it , to continue some kind of formal association with the institution after the satisfactory completion of their courses .
58 Automated Education Letter in December 1972 reported a talk by R. P. Henderson to the Royal Canadian Institute in Toronto : In the not too distant future we will see the world 's knowledge recorded electronically rather than on the printed page .
59 I shall throw my bouquet to one of you at the wedding and who knows , there might be another wedding in the not too distant future for somebody .
60 In the not too distant future , there 's the promise of a different set of programs which are being dubbed ‘ pen centric ’ applications ; that is , written specifically to take advantage of the pen .
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