Example sentences of "[art] people who would " in BNC.

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1 Or to try and improve the lives of the people who would one day be his subjects ?
2 The people who would have suffered most from Mr Moore 's penal approach are the 1.6 million children in one parent families .
3 I ca n't remember who he was supporting , but I was a regular visitor because being a big blues fan , it meant I could go and see Sonny Boy Williamson , and all the people who would be at the Richmond Jazz/American Blues Folk Festival that came every year .
4 Down with the people who would kill Bosnia ! ’
5 Land suggested that Alvey 's group did not consult enough of the people who would use advanced computers ; that it had paid too little attention to international collaboration ; and that the committee focused on too narrow an area of activity .
6 The Royal Exchange Trust Co Ltd was made a defendant as the executor and trustee of the will ; the company also represented the interests of the people who would benefit in default of an appointment of the income .
7 ONE by one , the people who would have governed a post-apartheid South Africa have been selected for murder .
8 Still , some of the suggestions made by the people who would be running economic policy in a Socialist government are worth the attention of anybody anxious to straighten out the Greek system .
9 He described his co-workers as ‘ the people who would have been poets in the sixties and they 're looking at computers as their medium of expression rather than language ’ ( Jobs , 1984 : 18 ) .
10 Those are the people who would have benefited or taken in to account should the Queen have died without a will .
11 The people who would fly a Virgin airline were the same young , mobile , relatively affluent people who had been buying records by Virgin artists in Virgin record stores for years .
12 but erm , sorry the reason I 'm raising my eyebrows is that the people who would come to live in the new settlement if it was to happen , are people who would otherwise have to live somewhere else in in the county
13 Candidate Alan Milburn said the bus campaign would reach many of the people who would do best under his party .
14 The UNHCR 's envoy , Jose-Maria Mendiluce , fiercely attacked the council 's decision yesterday , saying it was an insult because the people who would suffer had not been consulted .
15 How do we turn the people who would do semi-skilled jobs on machines into people who can programme numerically-controlled machines to perform that job more effectively and with much greater levels of productivity .
16 environmental constraints if the organization is big enough to qualify as strategic , and I am really concerned about the planning er application in which I know that Da Professor Lock is interested that I think developments of that scale have nothing to do with the employment needs of the district , that they would in fact involve bringing in large numbers of people from other areas who as I have said before , might appreciate jobs nearer their present places of employment , and it would also unbalance the Harrogate housing market and put on pressure for more land to be taken in and around Harrogate for housing for the people who 'd come to that development .
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