Example sentences of "[art] number of day " in BNC.

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1 This included decreases in the numbers of day pupils in maintained ESN(M) schools and the numbers attending special classes in normal schools .
2 The number of day clients taking meals on a day-by-day basis
3 The number of day hospitals run by health services and day centres provided by local authorities and voluntary organizations has grown slowly but steadily over the last forty years , although there remains a great deal of confusion about the purposes of day care , and professionals from different services have differing expectations and aims .
4 more in-patients are being treated in Wales , and the number of day cases is up 227 per cent .
5 Moreover , the number of day cases treated in the district has increased by 64 per cent .
6 The officials who sent them off from the ports with the loaded railway-wagons gave them rations for the number of days which the grain would in normal times take to its destination .
7 In addition , the pace of wage reduction fell and only one-eighth of the amount was taken off the weekly wage bill between 1930–3 as was taken from the net weekly wage bill for 192 1.47 Also , there was little to suggest that the pattern and the style of industrial relations was greatly altered by the General Strike : the number of workers on strike and the number of days of work lost were already declining well before 1926 and there was a rise of industrial militancy in the late 1920s and early 1930s as unions attempted to resist the further wage cuts being advocated by employers .
8 One way of doing this is to count the number of days in any month where you were at or below a certain weight .
9 As a result , the number of days lost each year through strikes has fallen from an average 12.9 million in the 1970s to less than a million last year — the lowest figure since records began a century ago .
10 The sum of the first two gives the number of days in the week , the sum of all three gives the number of months in the year , and the sum of their squares gives the number fifty .
11 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
12 the average number of customers over the week ( add each day 's total customers together , then divide that total by the number of days in the working week ) .
13 This was supported by the correlation between the male 's condition at the start of the season and the number of days he spent incubating eggs .
14 The number of days of practice needed before the patient has the courage to try and translate the visualization into action varies considerably , not only from one individual to another but even as regards the different stages of a person 's treatment .
15 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
16 The interest rate quoted is applied to the principal for the number of days of the advance divided by 365 if this is a domestic UK sterling deal ( 360 days for Eurosterling and most currencies ) , and the interest is repaid together with the principal at the maturity date .
17 The individual , by comparison , has many more criteria to consider , namely the number of days present in the UK in any fiscal year ; the availability of accommodation ; the frequency and regularity of return visits .
18 A regulatory penalty can also be imposed where an ESL is late , and that is based on the number of days late .
19 If the next time your DSO is measured the number of days has increased , your collection results are getting worse .
20 The length of your cycle is the number of days from day one to the day before your next period .
21 Fixed-term contracts vary widely in terms of the number of days ' leave given .
22 Given the number of days I 've spent wandering around the rain-sodden Moelwyns cursing Gore-Tex , my delight at this garment is quite understandable .
23 FIG. 2 Regressions of length mortality data against the number of days a cohort had been under observation during its first growing season , with the line forced through the origin .
24 The predominance of a small minority of cases is further illustrated if we use two further measures of the extent of the coverage in addition to the gross number of reports , that of the number of days and the number of pages in which each rape case is featured .
25 The range of coverage indicates the number of newspapers which cover a particular case , while the amount focuses especially on the number of days that a case is mentioned .
26 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
27 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
28 In all cases the duration includes day of departure from U.K. and day or arrival in U.K. in the number of days specified .
29 Choose the number of days you want to spend in Switzerland and GTF will arrange your first night 's hotel accommodation in the city , town or village of your choice .
30 The landlord collects the charge on the basis of the number of days a person has been resident and passes it to the local authority .
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