Example sentences of "[art] word [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The music of the words is there to be used — but not at the expense of the sense and emotional content .
2 No , not vice , the word 's too strong .
3 A chef in the professional sense of the word is just exactly what Boulestin was not and certainly did not pretend to be .
4 Increased life expectancy has brought with it a major burden ( the word is here used advisedly ) and responsibility in the care of those in an advanced state of mental and physical decline .
5 This is the way it is used in the following example , but the pronunciation of the word is exactly as in LE : You know how white people stay .
6 If one has to identify a stimulus — for instance a word - then one can accomplish this more quickly if presentation of the word is immediately preceded by an associated word or picture .
7 The word is most often heard in response to an order to do something : fetch firewood , haul water , etc .
8 People — young people — are not like that ’ , the critics start to cry , forgetting that many children are painfully ( the word is carefully chosen ) aware of the fact .
9 But this , of course , makes no serious claim at all about the notion of consciousness , in the sense in which the word is normally used : it simply sets up a definition of the term on which virtually any organism higher than an amoeba is conscious , as would be many existing computers .
10 This is what the Deuteronomist meant , when he said : ‘ The word is near you ; it is in your mouth and in your heart . ’
11 The word is apparently derived from the Germanic dotter or yolk of egg , which is roughly the colour of the common European dodder , and is now used as a common name for all species belonging to the genus Cuscuta .
12 If the word is too long ( i.e. longer than some upper bound ) then do not attempt correction , in which case the word might be sent back to the user to be re-written .
13 Rosen said an Australian intelligence agent told him that the word is now out in South-East Asia that money can be made selling to investigators and journalists phoney samples of ‘ contaminated ’ articles .
14 The second letter of the word is now checked .
15 From the demonstration alone , it is difficult to be certain that the motion is chaotic , in the specific sense that the word is now used , and not just very complicated .
16 Well I ca n't just remember what the word is now .
17 While the large Oxford English Dictionary defines modernity as ‘ the quality or condition of being modern ’ , this is not how the word is really used on either side of the Atlantic .
18 The value of the proposition is the greater because , outside anecdote , the word is sufficiently vague to give room for any prejudice .
19 The word is usefully , with the suffix -ly in a different colour .
20 ‘ He 's not old , and the word is twice , you gobdaw , ’ the unappealing Fonsie said .
21 The word is still used to describe a treacherous person with evil intent , as instanced by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night :
22 The word is still used today , of course , to describe something desirable to which political refugees are entitled .
23 The word is there 's going to be a few more surprises closer to Christmas which makes attendance between now and then damn near compulsory .
24 The word is there 's going to be a few more surprises closer to Christmas which makes attendance between now and then damn near compulsory .
25 Whether the word is morphologically simple , or whether it is complex as a result either of containing one or more affixes ( that is , prefixes or suffixes ) or of being a compound word .
26 From his imaginary tomb he greeted the passerby trilingually : " If you are a Syrian , Salam ; if you are a Phoenician , Naidios [ the word is certainly corrupt , ; if you are a Greek , Chaire ; and say the same yourself " ( Anth .
27 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
28 A lot of speakers think this is what prevaricate means ; it is rather like procrastinate ( put off until tomorrow ) and the ‘ stall ’ meaning makes sense in most contexts where the word is actually used .
29 No I think I think the word is quite adequate actually .
30 The word is much used by his closest adviser , Hernando de Soto , author of ‘ The Other Path ’ — a celebrated study of Peru 's huge and dense informal sector of street vendors , cottage industries and red tape .
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