Example sentences of "[art] things [that] had " in BNC.

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1 The Comet was listed after the damage had been done , and with the Prospect Inn it was necessary to itemise all the things that had not changed , since the superficial impression of change was predominant .
2 Clair George , listing the things that had to be done — — finding private money , transferring it out of the country , buying arms , shipping them , procuring boats and aircraft — noted that North had been obliged to do all this ‘ with a gum band and some balsa wood ’ .
3 But seeing the confusion on her desk , all the things that had to be done , she lost heart .
4 But he was starting to lose track of the things that had made him what he was as well .
5 One of the things that had driven Hamish crackers was her inability to make up her mind .
6 Hilton tells him to wait patiently in the darkness and acclimatise himself to this new existence , stripped of all the things that had made life worthwhile before .
7 In fact , one of the things that had pleased her about her daughter staying in London was that it kept her away from Seaton Cramer Hall .
8 As soon as I told her about the things that had happened , she knew .
9 It was one of the things that had disappeared from Renascia towards the end and it gave Fenella an odd , rather out-of-balance feeling to see dawn light again .
10 All the things that had made Delhi an amusing and lively city were one by one forbidden .
11 After all — had n't one of the things that had made it so difficult to get over Tony been the fact that he 'd got off scot-free ?
12 Which is more than you ever were with me — until , of course , that last day at the office when you took the lid off and let it all boil over — all the things that had been bugging you . ’
13 When Erich Honecker gave his last big speech many people regretted the fact that there was n't a hint of sadness about all the things that had gone wrong in the past 40 years , all the changes that should have happened and never did — nor , finally , any regrets about the many people who fled the country .
14 The deputy head took a similar view , saying that it was constructive , that good points had come out — for example , that relationships were good — and that it had been taken constructively by staff in general because all the things that had been criticized had already been criticized by them in the self-appraisal .
15 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
16 Open opposition is strongly implied by his offer in 1014 to forgive all the things that had been said against him .
17 He also offered in 1014 to forgive all the things that had been done against him , providing that the English returned to their allegiance without treachery .
18 She hated herself for remembering , not just that last ugly confrontation in the campagna but the things that had preceded it , the good things , starting with the fun they 'd had together and ending with that long , sweet night she 'd spent in his arms .
19 She broke off , her face rapt as she remembered some of the things she 'd seen , some of the things that had got to her .
20 And in the in fact in the early days o o f o one of the things that had happened f early on was that I would do jobs on my own , and you it 's amazing how many number of one-man jobs there are .
21 I , I was surprised when I heard of sort of the things that had happened .
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