Example sentences of "[art] fact it be " in BNC.

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1 This movie is simply enormous fun , and despite the fact it 's treading down a well-worn Yuletide path with no major surprises it manages to invest an old tale with great oomph , humour and enough of a jaundiced eye to avoid the sucrose trap .
2 ‘ True as the fact it 's your round , gel . ’
3 Erm the fact it 's now burning Australian coal does tend to undermine the arguments er but nevertheless it does have a good rail connection down to the coast , the p ports on the south coast where it can , can er take the stuff in from the er from the ports .
4 I can see a way out and I 'm taking it , and the fact it 's a kind of betrayal does n't really matter .
5 But I mean , going back to the fact it 's my one and only watch , I should think Susannah has had eight or ten watches .
6 I mean the fact it 's going up on
7 The satirical phrase used to embarrass the ‘ Action Men ’ is that they have the ‘ John Wayne syndrome ’ ; the fact it is Wayne rather than Rambo who is used to ridicule them gives a clue that it tends to be the older members of the force who use the term to describe the exuberant younger policemen .
8 ‘ I am not afraid of calling myself a trader despite the fact it is now rather fashionable to describe the field you work in as a profession , ’ he says .
9 The take-over of Mothercare , despite the fact it was three times the size of Habitat , seemed to make a lot of sense .
10 THE shadowy men of the SAS made no secret of the fact it was Christmas party time — neighbours could hear the noise a mile away .
11 However , Graham was right in saying the scoreline hid the fact it was a comprehensive defeat .
12 ‘ Maybe James was making allowance for the fact it was a private sale .
13 Somewhere in her mind she registered the fact it was still pumping .
14 It was fairly erm revolutionary at the time in in the fact it was really adopting a client server approach in network computing , and it was the first way to do that .
15 Back at the hotel , instead of heading for the bedroom , she led him to the bar , where they took a couple of glasses of malt and fell to chatting with some locals who 'd ‘ just dropped by to have a nightcap ’ despite the fact it was gone midnight and they all had work to go to in the morning .
16 Why do you think it did n't fail er early on as a strike , er a as the fact it was only predicted it would last two or three weeks but it was obvious at the time it was gon na go on .
17 Er but but simply the fact it was passing through this area of land that was regarded by locals as being sacred and separating the two communities .
18 The fact it was an out-of-character performance for this season cut no ice .
19 made a Lady , or made I mean she was given that title , or actually I 'm dead against the fact it was her husband who was given the title , erm but to abstract away from that at the moment , somebody who 's been in public service all their lives and who 's devoted much of their life to the cause of the people , I mean I realize that an awful lot of people would think that Margaret Thatcher has n't done that , but let's say that , for the sake of the argument , that at least that 's what she intended for the time being
20 cos , cos you know for a fact it 's not
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