Example sentences of "[art] man [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 says explaining why he had come to earth Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , will thus I 've been born and for this purpose I have come out of the world that I should bear witness to the truth , but what particular truth was Jesus sent to earth to make no man , first just about his heavenly father , he taught his followers to pray that his father name be hallowed or hell holy and he prayed , I have made your name manifest to the man you gave me , also he said I must declare the good news with the kingdom of God , because for this I was sent forth , so what truths did Jesus come to er , to tell ?
2 Curiously , Abbado is succeeding the man who gave him his first big break .
3 Kenneth Grahame , the man who gave the world this masterpiece in 1908 , was an escapist .
4 Pride of place in the leather and wood-panelled coffee lounge is a portrait of Frank Wittenoom , the man who gave Mr Hancock 's father his start — he sold Mr Hancock Snr the land on which the wealth of iron ore was found .
5 The man who gave us The Romans in Britain still knows how to make an audience feel uncomfortable .
6 The man who gave the world songs of peace and love died this year in the stench of gunsmoke .
7 The man who gave us the meson
8 THE man who gave TV viewers Eldorado is quitting his job with the BBC .
9 TWO youngsters cuddled up yesterday for a special ‘ thank you ’ to the man who gave them life .
10 What was the agency in London , what was the name of the man who gave you that packet ?
11 The man who gave us Big Black 's ‘ Songs About F—ing ’ .
12 But for his new single , ‘ Brothers Gon na Work It Out ’ , the man who gave new meaning to the term ‘ bedroom producer ’ has turned up with a contagious call for unity .
14 Phrasal verbs come in for more attention with Phrasal Verbs Organiser from LTP ( by the man who gave us the First Certificate Organiser ) , while HarperCollins is publishing a Phrasal Verbs Workbook to accompany its dictionary .
15 ‘ Who was the man who gave it to you ?
16 Turning back to the landlord , Giles Aplin said , ‘ I already know the name of the man who gave you this watch — but I want to hear it from your lips — and I want the truth . ’
17 ‘ There is Andrus , ’ they will say , ‘ the man who gave money to the Moslems to use against the Copts . ’ ’
18 To the man who gave us Munich , the guilty man .
19 Firstly , there are the so-called pronouns of laziness ( Geach , 1962 : 125ff ) , as in Karttunen 's well-known sentence ( see Lyons , 1977a : 673ff ) : ( 93 ) The man who gave his paycheck to his wife was wiser than the man who gave it to his mistress where it is not co-referential with his paycheck , but refers to what a repetition of that NP would have referred to ( namely the paycheck of the man whose mistress got it ) if it had occurred in place of it .
20 Firstly , there are the so-called pronouns of laziness ( Geach , 1962 : 125ff ) , as in Karttunen 's well-known sentence ( see Lyons , 1977a : 673ff ) : ( 93 ) The man who gave his paycheck to his wife was wiser than the man who gave it to his mistress where it is not co-referential with his paycheck , but refers to what a repetition of that NP would have referred to ( namely the paycheck of the man whose mistress got it ) if it had occurred in place of it .
21 And if Derry succeed , he will murmur a silent but heartfelt ‘ thank you ’ to Kevin Heffernan , the man who gave him a new outlook and sense of purpose in the sport which has made him both a local and national hero .
22 You could get a job auditing the use of these funds in southern Italy , but I think you would be safer and richer as the man who gives them out .
23 At the last election he heard someone ask ‘ Who 's Killip ? ’ and the reply was ‘ The man who gives you relief at Cumberland Road ’ .
24 But the man who gives us the clearest picture of the link between the Spirit and evangelism is St. Luke in his two volume work .
25 The man who gives a boat party knows in his heart that his friends like his yacht more than they like him : he is lonely and restless in their company .
26 You seem like a man who gives frailties of any kind short shrift . ’
27 It might seem a strange choice for a man who gives the appearance of , and sounds very much , a Home Counties man .
28 The food was served by three maids and a man who gave the impression he was the major-domo of the house .
29 A lonely childhood , a youthful longing for adventure , made it easy enough for Dick to lay aside his devotion to an almost legendary father and to dedicate himself to the service of a man who gave him the emotional security and incentive he had lacked for so long .
30 But he was , in any case , close to becoming a smiling public man — a man who gave speeches at school prizedays , who would answer the toast to " poetry " at dinners , who collected the occasional doctorate or honorary fellowship .
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