Example sentences of "[art] [indef pn] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The patient seen outside the hospital is a different type to the one seen in an accident and emergency department or in a coronary care unit .
2 ‘ Clogging ’ of these stents by material comparable with the one seen in plastic stents has not been seen , probably because of both a larger diameter of the lumen and the nature of the stent 's inner lining after re-epithelialisation .
3 However comprehensive one 's descriptive framework may be ( and the one given in this course is very limited ) , there will inevitably be cases which do not fit within it .
4 In the 1920s a local man was in a terrible state of nerves and he too visited the bridge with the one thought in his mind .
5 We can , if we want , restore the possibility of a conditional theory of justification by a move like the one made in 2.4 .
6 But has there ever been a happier compromise than the one offered in New York ?
7 But what of the second great category , the one represented in ancient rocks by the flower-like crinoids ?
8 Madame Delon mentioned that the person who painted that view of the Porte des Cévennes , the one hanging in your salon , is a friend of yours ? ’
9 Tea had been made and a big cake like the one served in the library was cut up in thick slices on the table .
10 You 're the one getting in a huff .
11 Nine years elapsed before Miller produced his eighth and final edition , the one studied in depth for this book .
12 She looked down at the one clutched in her hand .
13 Some of these cuddly toys , like the one featured in this project , had arrived in someone 's childhood as a gift from Grandma , and been loved to bits by its owner .
14 In a scene probably not that different to the one featured in the television ad , Hart knocked down and ultimately killed nine-year-old Sharon Townsend , mistaking the body beneath his wheels for ‘ a cardboard box ’ .
15 But a question to be answered and the one addressed in this chapter is — can we map the innovation process in such a way as to provide a better understanding about how it might be more effectively managed ?
16 This is an even more remarkable stabilisation than the one achieved in the Czech Republic , hitherto regarded as the region 's most successful stabiliser .
17 While it may be true to say that the one predominates in Christianity and the other in such Eastern religions as Buddhism and Hinduism , it would be a mistake to assume that Christianity is devoid of the principle of identity or that Buddhism and Hinduism are devoid of the principle of participation .
18 ‘ You 're the one living in a fool 's paradise , ’ he said .
19 Erm If it the one living in Felixstowe , that is the one er alright ?
20 The one upholstered in blue left Euston at 1.30 pm ; the other left Glasgow at the same hour and they flashed past one another at Preston to reach Glasgow simultaneously at 8 pm .
21 One of the images that does is the one taken in Thailand of three fish-tails swung as if from gallows silhouetted against the sky .
22 The Minitab resistant smoothing command is RSMOOTH ; the default smoothing recipe is not identical to the one explained in this chapter .
23 Whatever the rule , the mechanism by which random movements in aggregate demand lead to fluctuations in output is not the same as the one explained in chapter 4 .
24 The briefest pipérade recipe is the one recorded in Having Crossed the Channel as it was blurted out by a tipsy smuggler one morning in a Basque inn on the Bidassoa .
25 QEMM is a much more sophisticated memory manager than the one included in DOS
26 The particular difficulty illustrated by ( Ε ) and ( o ) in Braniel and Andersonstown is different from the one discussed in 6.4 .
27 The one used in London can handle fifty million pieces of information in one second , and it still takes minutes to produce a forecast for a few days ahead .
28 A putative phosphorylation site for casein kinase II was found at 108 Serine , matching the one identified in the corresponding protein of Artemia ( 6 ) .
29 Steiner now contends that two historical moments , the one epitomized in Mallarmé 's ‘ disjunction of language from external reference ’ , and the other in Rimbaud 's ‘ deconstruction of the self ’ — je est un autre ( I is ( an ) other ) — splinter the foundations of the Western tradition and precipitate it into the crisis of modernity .
30 And the one , the one lives in er
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