Example sentences of "[art] [det] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is an arranged marriage , one of the few in many centuries for this family that has gone wrong . ’
2 Stepping out on to grass she turned and knew that she was one of the few in all history and legend who could safely look a dragon in the eye .
3 A model of the hull carrying the Buckau 's spread of sail and an identical one with two rotors showed the immense superiority of the latter in all wind directions ( Figure 4 ) .
4 The former will be dealt with in this chapter ; the latter in that which follows .
5 It was permitted to offer only recommendations to the Committee of Ministers , without bring able to bind the latter in any way : quite often , the Committee simply chose to ignore or reject Assembly recommendations .
6 ‘ Me and Moll will do the same in that direction . ’
7 The pupils decided that they were the same in that context and were satisfied that there were only three different shapes if they did not allow fences in the middle or squares just touching at the corners .
8 As 1983 is the base year , the money value and the real value of national income are the same in that year .
9 The process is much the same in each negotiating situation ; actual bargaining is seldom the same from one issue to another .
10 The number of three-point alignments was much the same in each case .
11 Calibrations for the trachea are the same in each panel .
12 Since this shot occurs in two different scenes , maybe he tried it both ways , but it looks the same in each , tough repeated inspection fails to disclose conclusively which of the two possibilities it actually is .
13 The legal framework which governs the decision-making process is the same in each case , and is set out in the Bail Act 1976 .
14 The worst-case steady state is far below the best-case , but the general shape of the future is the same in each case .
15 If , on the other hand , they are just different regions of a single universe , the laws of science would have to be the same in each region , because otherwise one could not move continuously from one region to another .
16 In the simplified models that have been examined so far , this probability turns out to be high ; that is , the proposed no boundary condition leads to the prediction that it is extremely probable that the present rate of expansion of the universe is almost the same in each direction .
17 The other terms , for example , are all the same in each market , so on averaging they occur in the same form as they do in an individual market .
18 how far are the specific behaviours associated with particular leadership styles the same in each country ?
19 If the criminal was the same in each case , was not the motive likely to have been the same ?
20 We might also add that critics whose judgement is no less to be respected than Olivier Opdebeeck 's are able to discern a contrasting ‘ personality ’ in different performances of the same piece by different English choirs , even when a high percentage of the singers is the same in each case .
21 Well n n start , of course you 're starting again because the processes of recreating a class struggle is the same in each phase .
22 I sensed that , but it is the same in many relationships .
23 The stumps and roots are left as are many big trees for superstitious or practical reasons ( the two may be the same in many cases ) .
24 • Is the clock the same in all of us and at all stages of our lives ? • What do we know about the clock itself — where is it , what influences it , and how does it work ? • What is the usefulness of such a clock ?
25 Invariably , Club amenities do vary so not all Clubs of equal ratings will be the same in all respects .
26 It considers the objectives of stability tests which are by no means the same in all instances , the stages of development of a product at which stability should be assessed , the test procedures and the interpretation of results .
27 It is clear that this signal is the same in all higher vertebrates ; what has changed in evolution is the response .
28 Although plants vary so greatly in their shape , function and general appearance , the cellulose molecule is the same in all .
29 Although this pattern differs from one specimen to the next , the general effect is pretty much the same in all .
30 One concerns the cellular mechanisms underlying processes like learning and memory , since we might reasonably expect that the basic properties of nerve cells are the same in all species .
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