Example sentences of "[art] [det] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 South Korea 's reafforestation and erosion control programme is one of the few that has enjoyed considerable success .
2 Some are so strongly aromatic as to be spicy , and tarragon in particular is one of the few that has such a strong taste it does need adding in minuscule amounts to meat or fish dishes .
3 And it is the latter that preoccupies her in Playing in The Dark , a slim , supple volume of three essays exploring ‘ whiteness and the literary imagination ’ .
4 This is neither brash , spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former .
5 Though there appears to be no evidence to support Husameddin " s assertion that Molla Fenari actually went in company with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey , the fact that the former dedicated his commentary on the to the latter and praises him fulsomely in the preface suggests a close connection between the two and is a further indication that it was during Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey 's rule ( 1402–19 , 1421–3 ) that Molla Fenari 's sojourn in Karaman occurred .
6 but he 's , he 's the more that has all the qualifications , he has more than any of the others
7 The SEA focuses on the former and has made two contributions .
8 It is impossible exactly to define what is modern dance because the body is the same that has danced for hundreds of years .
9 The dissociation from each GC site is not the same but varies in a manner which must reflect the nature of the surrounding base pairs .
10 If you are working , then how about looking for a job that pays more or a job that pays the same but reduces your travelling costs ?
11 Taylor feels the same but fears it may have become an unbeatable campaign against the enigmatic 29-year-old .
12 Harry thinks that this fruit house is almost unique ; that is , he knows of one other which started off the same but has since been altered .
13 dad 's bike is exactly the same but has a 23in frame and 26in wheels and comes in blue and white .
14 Power output stays the same or drops slightly .
15 The procedure for the obtaining and giving of further particulars of defence is the same as appertains in relation to further particulars of claim .
16 The order of the list of land birds is almost exactly the same as appears in Darwin 's 1839 Journal of the Voyage of the Beagle , so these notes must have been used by Darwin as the basis for his subsequent publication .
17 Where , the environment trust , since our initial meeting have spoken er , both with Essex County Council and community groups in the area and have made substantial progress erm on the idea of er , using some of the land to the rear of er , the existing Franklyns block er , so they do want to come back with some wider proposals for a larger scheme which will be much the same as regards the Franklyns block but will include nine er , additional homes erm , and they will be two three bed houses and seven er , two bedroom houses .
18 ‘ Expenses are always the same as costs for a period . ’
19 This is as far as you can get from Cupitt 's picture of a reactionary , static super-tyrant [ in his Taking Leave of God ] always making sure the universe remains the same and conforms to the old unchanging laws .
20 Bottle-wrack looks the same and grows in the same straggly way .
21 I mean , there 's a few that 's been done that have n't been caught anyway .
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