Example sentences of "[art] [adv] different [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Given that conditions had changed greatly in forty years , and that ‘ the right to know ’ had in every walk of life assumed paramount importance , it seemed nevertheless unrealistic — even allowing for the vastly different scale of the conflict — for relatives of servicemen to protest at lack of information over but a few days or even hours .
2 Frequently , Kirov wondered if his Western contacts had the faintest conception of how difficult his work was , under the vastly different circumstances which prevailed in the two societies .
3 As the NSDAP in the Reich moved nearer to its electoral victory of 1930 , so the Danzig Nazis shifted their thinking from the idea of seizing power in the city state to the altogether different business of returning Danzig to the Reich .
4 In recent years this has become more widely recognized , with various authors identifying the fundamentally different sets of values upon which different studies have been based .
5 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
6 Because , Nizan asserts , Friedmann is unable to perceive the necessity of the organic link between theory and practice , he is led not only to the purely academic conclusion that it is incorrect to speak of the " philosophy " of either Lenin or Stalin , but also , and more significantly , to an inability to perceive the fundamentally different objectives pursued by Lenin and Trotsky .
7 Indeed , some of the colleges have felt that the Council is dominated by the polytechnics and , as a result , neither wholly understands the rather different outlook of the colleges and institutes nor entirely sympathizes with their aspirations .
8 The ‘ nationality ’ factor in early Elvis signified rather differently for British adolescents in the mid-1950s ; it was mediated through the image presented by the ‘ American South ’ within their national tradition , and , more widely , through the rather different gender , generational and class structures obtaining in Britain .
9 The latter may provide a good approximation to actual savings behaviour , but in this section we consider for purposes of contrast the rather different approach based on individual life-cycle savings decisions , discussed at some length in Lecture 3 .
10 In this section , however , I want to discuss the rather different possibility that some changes are essentially random .
11 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
12 You will have to make assumptions ( for instance , will my regular staff be willing to work holiday weekends ? ) , identify problems ( can the cafeteria cope with the rather different demands of the delegates ? ) , and consider alternatives ( like the various pricing approaches already mentioned ) .
13 The somewhat different style of French colonial rule and the region 's more scattered population were two major reasons .
14 But that falls into the somewhat different category of intra-party polemic .
15 During the third week of rehearsal , Gene Hackman was fired and replaced by the extremely different Murray Hamilton .
16 The coherence , the progression , one can argue , lies in the eye of the curriculum planner rather than that of the individually different children who experience it haphazardly , often guided into a general context by the pastoral strength of their form tutor who may not always see the whole picture themselves .
17 This can be particularly useful , because although your dog may well master these quite readily in the privacy of your garden , it will also need to perform them with your encouragement in the totally different environment of the training hall , in the company of other dogs .
18 For the simple truth was that , however many signatures we had assembled on petitions or however extensive the lists of worthy organizations opposed to Hinkley C , the decision would now be made in the totally different context of this classically British performance .
19 What really gave it away was the totally different sound his ball made when his club connected .
20 If the choreographer thinks he can use the purely classical vocabulary as the basis of his design it will fail to convey the totally different world from which this ancient epic emerged .
21 Substitution drills would also be used a first step in mastering the totally different topic system in Dusun which we discussed in 7.1.8 .
22 But the more pairs one adds , the more different dimensions one has to invoke to explain their classification .
23 The more I observe , the more different categories I think I discover , with different characteristics .
24 The more sophisticated and specialized health care is , the more people , and the more different kinds of people , we need to provide it .
25 It is unusual to consider them in conjunction with the ostensibly different milieux and traditions of broadcasting .
26 Two crash programmes in December and January have boosted production of 81mm mortar bombs for both the British and the American forces — and the British design has been adapted to make it fit the slightly different mortar used by the Americans .
27 As you see the rhythm and natural pauses , also notice the slightly different shapes of the five long vowels ( in italics ) .
28 Your brain uses the slightly different pictures from each eye to judge distance accurately .
29 Because your conclusion is so important , you ca n't risk the slightly different emphases and directions which someone else 's words are likely to carry .
30 The resultant financial provisions of the 1947 Act need not detain us too much , save to summarize the radically different position plan making experienced compared with the earlier situation .
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