Example sentences of "[art] [adv] large than " in BNC.

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1 If so , imagine the suffering of those poor souls subject to hay fever , of whom there seemed to be a perversely larger than average number among our guests .
2 A town like Towcester is a little larger than my thumbnail , the M1 is a hairline fracture , and the only piece of geometry anywhere is the remorseless straight line , seen from space , of the old Roman Watling Street .
3 If space permits , always buy a garage a little larger than you really need , in case you acquire a larger car one day .
4 It is hard to find a more pitiful sight than a clownfish desperately trying to associate with a shrunken unhealthy anemone a little larger than its own size .
5 The male is a little larger than the female and has very bright orange ventral fins when in breeding colouration .
6 Backstitch a little larger than required size of buttonhole , taking a stitch into each stitch of knitting .
7 The Goeldiella is the only species in the genus , a member of the Pimelodidae , growing a little larger than the Ornate Congo .
8 In winter plumage ( as we mostly see them in Shetland ) they are brown waders with a ‘ scaly ’ appearance , a little larger than redshank .
9 Smaller than the great skua but a little larger than the Arctic , the most obvious features of the pomarine are the two central tail-feathers which are considerably longer than the rest .
10 The Carlton Theatre was a little larger than George Edwardes 's Gaiety .
11 It was a little larger than any of the others and a red stripe had been painted across the length of its shell .
12 The photograph shows a typical IDC type connector , this is a SCSI connector ( 50 way ) which is a little larger than the IDE type ( 40 way ) but the fitting instructions are identical .
13 Roll out the remaining red fondant to a circle a little larger than the cake and use to cover the top of the postbox , overlapping the fondant ‘ collar ’ slightly all the way round .
14 Roll it to a rectangle a little larger than the entire cake , about 32·5x38cm ( 13x15inches ) .
15 There has been extensive theoretical discussion about how this affects the Kolmogorov result , suggesting that with n a little larger than 5/3 but not exactly known .
16 They will not be able to take an American-style percentage of the damages if successful , but will be able to ask for a slightly larger than normal fee .
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